xxv. assumptions

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CHERRY DIDN'T KNOW WHY BUT SOMETHING FELT OFF TODAY, it began with her sleeping in until 10am— which was quite unusual.

It was then followed by the pantry being empty of fruity rings— something that Fez and Ash always have a spare stash of somewhere, though this time neither had any left.

And lastly, Ash was more affectionate— giving her small kisses every now and then and helping her paint her old room to make it appropriate for the baby.

Everything was going alright ... until it wasn't.

The puking should've been the first sign — something that seems to only happen when Cherry was having a bad day— but the ultimate red flag was Custer, Faye's boyfriend turning up at the apartment out of nowhere.

Ashtray seemed to have his suspicions aswell, considering he hadn't taken his eyes off the older man— choosing to glare at him instead.

Faye was acting odd too, she seemed nervous— something that confused Cherry greatly considering the blonde was emotionless half the time.

Fezco however, was overjoyed ... and maybe a little nervous.

But that was understandable, he was getting ready to go to Lexi's play and was dressing his best.

He'd even made Faye iron down his dress-shirt two hours before he began getting ready— to which Cherry made a comment along the lines of— "You're acting like a girl in the movies going on their first date"

Fezco had rolled his eyes, then the cuffs of his shirt as he walked to the bathroom, needing to look himself to decide whether he wanted a tie or not.

Since then Cherry had finished painting an entire wall, the white paint glistening in the sunlight coming through the small window.

When she came out for a snack, needing to hydrate aswell, she found Ashtray looking tense on the armchair and Custer fidgeting on the couch.

She gave them a frown and took a water bottle from the fridge, turning to give Faye a questionable look when she was also tense looking.

"What's going on?" Cherry questioned as she waddled over to the living room, choosing to take a seat on the couch opposite of Custer— something about him irked her to no end.

Custer visibly gulped, sweat glistening on his forehead as his eyes darted around the room.

Cherry surveyed him for a second, taking note of how his eyes shot down to look at his phone every couple of seconds. But she brushed it off as him maybe expecting an important call, she did the same whenever she was expecting one herself.

The pregnant teenager sat there for a few minutes before lifting herself up, with difficulty of course.

On her way past, she pressed a chaste kiss to Ash's forehead, patting him on the shoulder before making her way back down the hallway to the to-be-nursery, making sure to bring her bottle of water aswell.

Five minutes after she began painting again Fezco opened the door, a hopeful look on his face as he held up a tie.

"I need your opinion on this— no funny games" He gave her a scolding look, though the both of them knew it was fake.

Cherry chuckled and walked closer, adjusting the buckle to her denim overalls before surveying which choice looked better.

She gave a hum before answering, "No tie, otherwise it looks like you're going to a business meeting"

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