xi. are drugs bad?

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ASHTRAY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THIS FEELING WAS EXACTLY, it was warm and comforting and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

Over the course of two weeks both him and Cherry had grown closer—not just with their friendship— the two trusted eachother more than they trusted themselves.

They were currently in the living room, Fezco had gone out to do a quick grocery shop and Faye was out for a couple of hours to visit her boyfriend.

The movie playing on the TV was loud—almost overbearing as Ashtray tried to sort through his thoughts.

They'd put on some romance movie—Cherry's idea— and completely forgot about it as they talked majority of the movie.

But just minutes ago Ashtray had felt a weight on his shoulder, it wasn't unusual for Cherry to lean on him but those moments only ever lasted a few seconds, minutes if he was lucky enough.

When Ashtray tilted his head down to check on her, the soon-to-be mother was sound asleep, her mouth parted ever so lightly and her nose scrunching up whenever a piece of her hair tickled it.

Ash lifted his hand and pushed the hairs behind her ear— her hair was soft, so soft that Ashtray could've sworn he was touching clouds— the freckles that he loved to count were revealed and his eyes focus went straight to the light brown specks that were peppered along her nose and cheeks.

Ashtray almost wished she'd been awake in that moment so he could've seen those brown eyes he loves so much— the ones that reminded him so much of a disney princess— although he wouldn't admit it out loud, Ashtray had been studying her ever since she came to stay with them.

He's memorised all her favourite foods, the snacks she doesn't like, her favourite pair of pyjamas—which happen to be a pair of daddy pig pyjamas that she bought a while ago during a mother's day sale— hell even the times she gets up—which coincidentally happens to be the exact same time every day.

8am on the dot

How she got up at exactly 8am, he would never know. There was no obvious tell tale that revealed she was ever actually awake— she'd just waltz out of her room and head straight to the kitchen.

That was one of the things he loved about her, she was independent and loved doing things by herself— and of course there were times that she was shy or dependent on somebody else but who doesn't have those moments every once in a while?

A heavy breath released against Ashtray's neck and startled him slightly— although it sounded loud, the breath itself was soft and feathery as it fanned against his throat.

Cherry was snuggling further into the hand that was cupping her cheek— the cheek that Ashtray only just noticed he was holding.

He wonders if she realises it's him, if she did then would she continue to burrow her face into the space between his shoulders and head?

Would she put more of her weight against the side of his body as she got more comfortable?

All these questions became irrelevant when her hand snaked around his waist, gripping onto his white t-shirt as she continues to sleep.

And although his back was beginning to hurt from the awkward angle he was sitting on, he wrapped his arms around the girl and hiked the throw blanket further up her shoulders.

A backache was worth this— he decided.


When both Fezco and Faye returned from their outings they were met with the sight of Ashtray and Cherry cuddling with eachother.

Faye had smiled—one that was full of mischief— before she skipped to Cherry's room, it wasn't unusual for Faye to stay with Cherry in her room.

Just seconds later she returned with the young girls phone, she held it up and took several photos at different angles— capturing the moment.

Fezco shook his head with a grin as he took the shopping bags to the kitchen, coming back seconds later to grab the last two bags before disappearing once again.

When a sudden flash lit up the room Faye let out a curse, watching anxiously over the top of the phone as Ashtray blinked his eyes open.

After a few seconds of looking around the room his eyes fell to the girl that had almost ended up on top of him— he was convinced this girl could sleep through a zombie apocalypse if need be.

There was an ache in his lower back, as well as his neck. He felt like shit but he didn't dare move a muscle in fear of accidentally waking Cherry.

"What're you doin'?" He whispered harshly to the blonde that was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room with a familiar cherry red phone case in hand.

"Uh— googling if drugs are bad?" Faye sputtered out, a grimace overtaking her facial expression after realising what she'd said.

Hiiii! this chapters quite short
but it's something atleast—anyway,
Faye and Cherry are basically sisters
now [insert eye roll emoji]

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