xiii. him and i

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CHERRY WAS OVERWHELMED WITH HER FEELINGS. Over the past month Ashtray had shown multiple signs of affection, but it had all confused her.

One day he'd hold her hand on the way to their next class, the next he'd ignore her existence the whole school day.

Another day he'd cuddle with her on the couch and offer his jacket if she were cold, the other he'd not spare a single look her way.

Ashtray was completely and utterly confusing.

"Yo? Cher?" Fezco spoke, snapping his fingers infront of her face to get her attention.

She just couldn't understand why all of a sudden Ashtray's name and face were stuck in her head.

That stupid dimply smile— the same dimply smile that caught her off guard that one day.

Oh god— she was doing it again!

Cherry gave a hum as she fiddled with the volume keys on her phone— she needed something to distract herself with or otherwise she'd end up in a deep rabbit hole.

"I'm takin' Faye to see her boyfriend— Ash is in his room if you need help though. You gon' be good here?" Fezco asked, his eyes scanning her face.

Cherry gave a short nod, offering him a gentle smile as she said goodbye to both him and Faye.


Ashtray felt different today, he didn't know why but there was a rush in his veins— something akin to adrenaline, though not exactly.

His heart had been pounding in his ears all morning— almost like it knew something that hadn't even happened yet.

In fear of something major happening he stayed in his room— he didn't know why, all he knew was that it was his safe space and it gave him space to think.

He was in the middle of driving away from the cops in GTA when a knock sounded at the door.

Immediately he knew who it was, for both Faye and Fez had left around thirty minutes ago and unless his grandmother had awoken from her coma then it could only be one person.


The same her that made his pulse skyrocket and his ears ring, that made his skin vibrate where she touched, that lit up the room when it was graced with her smile that was full of cheeks.

The same her that made it hard for him to think clearly, to act on his thoughts without hesitation.

He called out a 'come in' as he tried to keep his focus, though out of the corner of his eyes he caught Cherry slipping into his room with her arms behind her back, her two month baby bump on show as she sported a cropped tank top with a pair of his sweatpants.

She hopped onto his bed beside him, the scent of her grapefruit body wash wafting into his nose and he fought the urge to let out a sigh.

"Watcha doin?" She questioned, shooting him a closed mouth grin as she crossed her legs and leaned back on her hands.

"Trying to get away from the cops" He mumbled out, pushing the joystick as far as it could go as he mentally cursed out the speed of the car his character was in.

Cherry gave a hum before she looked around his room, seeing the multiple posters hung along the walls before her eyes locked onto a french fries pillow.

She grabbed a hold of it, bringing it close to examine what exactly it was.

"Yo put that up— its special" Ashtray ordered, his eyes giving her a stern glance that made her drop the pillow and push it towards his other pillows.

Cherry mumbled out a 'sorry' as her eyes took in the rest of her room— however before she could explore his room with her eyes they caught something else.

"You didn't draw on any tattoos today?" She asked, her finger coming up to trace the area that he usually had his fake tattoos.

At her touch he tensed up, holding his breath before he realised how pathetic he was being and gave her a shrug.

"Didn't feel like it" He answered shortly, letting out a mumbled curse as he crashed the car into a police car.

Cherry nodded slowly as she thought her words over before actually wording them out loud to him.

"Could you do some for me?" She asked hesitantly before adding on, "If you want to of course— if not then that's okay"

He seemed interested in his game and she didn't want to put him in a sour mood, especially is he was the only one home with her currently.

It was silent for a moment before the sound of a drawer being opened and the lid of something was opened.

"You gotta stay real still though, understand?" he asked, the marker in his right hand as he sat back down beside her, this time facing her.

She nodded eagerly, turning her body to face his own as he brings his hands up, palms cupping her cheeks to keep her head steady.

"Don't move alright?" He mumbled, his eyes focusing as his hand began drawing beneath her eye— her long eyelashes tickling his fingers ever so often.

"Okay" she whispered back, her eyes locked on his facial features.

Now that he was up close she could see the small beauty marks that littered his skin, they were faint and hard to see but with their proximity it was easier to spot.

After her eyes counted a whopping eleven beauty marks placed around his face her eyes then settled on his own.

She found that he'd already been watching her, his brown eyes held a certain emotion made her inhale a deep breath as they softened slightly.

His pupils flickered downwards and hers did the same, both waiting for the same thing but neither wanting to initiate it.

And so they sat there, breathing the same staggered breaths until he moved closer just slightly, enough for Cherry to get the hint and close the distance.

Their lips met in a soft peck— neither really knowing what to do but wanting to try anyway— it was gentle and their flesh had only brushed against eachother so lightly they almost believed it wasn't real.

Cherry let out a breath she didn't know what she was holding, pulling back to look at his face only to feel the hands that were cupping her cheeks now on her neck, pulling her closer until her lips connected with his own again.

She smiled into the kiss, feeling his own lips quirk up before she placed her hands on his cheeks carefully.

This was heaven— they'd both thought.

it finally happened ahhhhh! also
i've never really written any scenes
like this so i'm not sure if it's any good,
also as an apology for the short chapters
this one's a little longer– just over 1.1K words

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