x. bumps

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TODAY CHERRY WAS GOING IN FOR HER EIGHTH WEEK ULTRASOUND, It was something that hadn't left her mind for the past two weeks and she was extremely excited about it.

That morning when she woke up she felt heavier, she didn't understand why until she was changing out of her pyjamas.

At the sound of a shrilling squeal all heads in the apartment snapped to look at eachother.

Two seconds later Ashtray was up and fishing the handgun he kept just in case, out of a drawer by the couch.

What else was he supposed to do when he hears a scream?

For all he knew she could be getting dragged out the window by her hair.

At that thought he hurried his footsteps, along with Faye and Fez as they all rushed through Cherry's bedroom door and into her small room.

Cherry—who was standing at her wall length mirror with her palms on her stomach — jumped at the sudden intrusion.

"Yo, you good?" Fezco asked after a minute of silence.

Cherry nodded slowly as she looks between the three's facial expressions.

Each were filled with confusion and relief.

"You gotta chill with the screams, Cher" Ashtray says, tucking the hand gun into the waistband of his pants.

"What? Why?" Cherry asked as she crossed her arms across herself.

"Cause we got neighbours— and you fuckin' scare us when you scream like you getting murdered or sum" Fezco says, his usual slow tone showing more as he slowly blinked, most likely high.

"Why we're you screamin' anyway?" Ashtray frowned, his eyes looking around Cherry's room in search of whatever it was that brought the loud noise out.

"Oh!" Cherry exclaimed as she realised, turning to the side she put her hands on her stomach and nodded towards it. "I'm showing— look!"

At the sight of the small but noticeable bump a smile formed on all three's faces.

"Well shit— little nephew is growing" Fezco exclaimed.


"You nervous?" Fezco asked as him and Ashtray sat leant against the hospital chairs either side of Cherry.

They had been in the waiting area for around twenty minutes now and Cherry was getting bored of playing games on Ashtray's phone.

"Kind of— it's only the second time i've gotten to see the baby but google says i'll see a lot more this time" Cherry replies, turning power button on Ashtray's phone on and off.

"Well don't worry— i'm nervous enough for the both of us" Fezco responded, slumping further into his seat as he brings a hand up to scratch at his beard.

A chuckle was heard from beside her and when she looked to Ashtray he was half grinning, his dimple peaking through just slightly.

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