ii. whispers

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CHERRY KNEW OF THE SIDE BUSINESS FEZCO AND ASHTRAY RAN. Of course they didn't plan on her finding out, it was only that she had woken up from a nap and spent a half an hour with her head in the toilet, throwing up all her past meals.

When she had cleaned herself up and brushed her teeth she waddled her way back to the bedroom Fezco had set up for her. It was small and covered in dust, but overall the only thing that mattered was the fact that Fezco had cared enough to let her stay at all.

The sound of whispering had caught her attention, it was hushed but loud enough that if Cherry got to the end of the short hallway she'd be able to understand what they were talking about.

She didn't want to intrude but the whispers had caught her attention and she doubted she'd be able to fall asleep without atleast having an idea on what they were speaking about.

"—needs to know" She could faintly make out and so she took a step in their direction, making sure to tread lightly as to not let the floor boards creak and giveaway her hiding spot.

She poked her head around the corner, spotting Ashtray and Fezco sitting by the small bench they had in their apartment, Fez seemed to be trying to convince Ash something but it didn't look like it was working very well.

"She can't know. What if she tells someone?" Ash whispered, silently slamming his hand down on the bench.

When Cherry had first arrived that same afternoon just a week ago Ashtray was less than impressed, he had even made it a point of ignoring her very existence until just a few days ago.

"She's fifteen and kicked out- who the fuck is she gon' tell, man?" Fez exclaimed, pointing in her direction. When Cherry saw that she was unknowingly being pointed at she ducked back behind the wall.

"Just because she's got no where to go doesn't mean she won't tell anyone. This is serious shit Fez" Ash responded, standing from his seat and walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"You needa chill for real bro. She's already been here a week, she's gonna find out sooner or later" Fezco said, rubbing a hand down his face in exhaustion.

Cherry repeated his words in her brain, trying her hardest to figure out what exactly they were keeping from her that was so important.

She already knew of their grandma in the room next to hers, Fez explained the situation to her the day she moved in so it couldn't be that.

When they started talking again it was muffled, Cherry mentally cursed at her eagerness to find out what they were hiding as she took another step closer.

At the sudden sound of a creak in the floor boards everything went silent, a grimace fell upon Cherry's face as she closed her eyes and waited for the worst.

"Cher?" Fez questioned, his face appearing as he walked closer to her.

He knew she was eavesdropping, it was apparent on her face with her wide eyes and mouth that was drawn into a straight line.

It was the face of someone that had just been caught.

Cherry hummed, bringing her arms behind her back and fidgeting with her fingers, something she did whenever she was nervous or trying to hide something.

"You good? You need somethin?" Fez asked, tilting his head slightly to look past her and to the bathroom lights that were on.

"Uh- No, actually yes. I do" She declared, nodding to herself as though to encourage herself to get the words out. "I don't wanna come off as rude or anything considering you're letting me stay at your place and whatever but I would appreciate it if you'd tell me what you two were whispering about?".

Fezco was taken back by how straight forward she was, over the course of a week she had been opening up more around both Fezco and Ashtray and it seemed she was a lot more than the shy girl that wandered into the gas station just a week earlier.

"Uhm..." Fezco replied, it was the only thing he could think of after being put in the spotlight and the gaze of the fifteen year old infront of him was already one akin to a mothers. Stern and persistent.

A sigh was heard behind Fez and they both turned to face Ashtray who was holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and a tablespoon in the other.

"I'm not telling her, man. It was your idea" Ashtray said, he gave a pointed look toward his brother before taking his seat back at the small bench, scooping spoonfuls of the cereal into his mouth as he waited for her reaction.

And when Fezco opened his mouth, the next words had Cherry fainting with Ashtray chuckling behind his spoon, already expecting a similar reaction.

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