xiv. confessions

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They sat in the same position for quite some time, their foreheads touching as they let their breathing even out.

Ashtrays hands were still at the nape of her neck, his thumbs rubbing circles over her skin whilst her own traced his facial features.

"I really like you Cher" Ashtray whispered, a distant look in his eyes as he searched her face for any indication that she felt the same.

There was no doubt that Cherry liked him too, really liked him.

But she wasn't sure if it was the best time to commit to a relationship, not only will she be responsible for an entire human being in just seven months, but she still needs to find a place to live.

She couldn't rely on Fezco and Ashtray for the rest of her life, she needed to figure herself out.

"I like you too... but—but I don't know if now's the best time to be in a relationship" She whispered back, she was going to be completely honest with him.

A frown graced his face, his features pulling into a tight expression that Cherry couldn't decipher.

"We don't have to be in a relationship" He suggested, though it took all his self control to choke those words out.

Of course he wanted something more with the young girl— but he was going to respect her decisions and be whatever she needs him to be. 

He understood that she was probably overwhelmed with stress and responsibility during this time, considering her circumstances.

Cherry furrowed her brows, her eyes squinting slightly as a sign that she didn't like what she was told.

"No I just... I wanna be with you but– I'm going to have a baby soon, I won't have the time" She explained, her voice cracking slightly and her fingers faltering on his eyebrow.

A heavy breath escaped her lungs, her eyes widening in realisation as the reality of the situation hit her.

"Oh my god— i'm having a baby" She choked out, her chest rising and falling at a rapid speed as she stared off into a daze.

She was having a baby.

After noticing her panic, Ashtray moved his hands to her cheeks, tilting her head up to face him.

"Hey look at me– Cher look at me. Cherry!" He exclaimed, his voice rising to get her attention.

Her gaze focused on him, her breathing still irregular and her heart pounding in her ears.

"You're having a baby, and you're going to be the best mother." He whispered, making sure she was following along with his words. "You wanna know why?"

She let out out a nod "Mhm"

"Because you bake cookies when someone is sad, even though they almost always end up burnt. You sit with Faye when she's high off her ass in the bathroom, you cry over an old tv series that they don't stream anymore, hell you get mad over losing a pair of socks" He chuckles, his thumb brushing under her eyes and swiping the stray tears off her cheeks.

Cherry let a small smile take over her face, watching his eyes as he speaks.

"You're going to be an amazing mother and i'm going to be there, helping you. Whether that's as your best friend, someone you live with or your boyfriend— I don't care" He declared, huffing out a breath after his short speech.

At his words Cherry's eyes teared up, her chest overflowing with relief and appreciation for the young boy that was cradling her face as though it was made of china.

"Thank you so much" She cried out.

Ashtray brought her into his arms, his arms wrapping around her head as she pushed her face further into his chest.


When Fezco returned home alone, no Faye in sight he was confused at the sight of Ashtray and Cherry sitting together on the couch, both looking at Cherry's phone.

It wasn't the sight of them sitting together, as that was quite normal for the two teenagers, it was Cherry's red and swollen face.

Her eyes were puffy, as well as her nose and lips— her cheeks flushed and eye bags more prominent.

"Yo you good, kid?" He asked, putting the bag of chinese food on the coffee table as he sat himself on the couch opposite of them.

Ashtray had messaged him to ask about getting Chinese for dinner after Cherry suggested it— he'd picked it up on the way back from dropping Faye off.

Cherry gave a nod and a smile before looking back down at her phone, now that Fezco was closer he could hear the sound of a theme song playing.

At the familiar words a sense of nostalgia filled his veins, like a flashback in his mind he remembered the times he'd put the show on the television for Ashtray before he'd leave for school.

"You watchin' that einstein show?" He questioned, getting up and peeking over her phone to confirm his question.

Cherry laughed and gave a quiet 'yeah' before focusing back on the show.

Fezco looked at Ashtray, seeing the younger boy already looking at him.

He frowned, nodding in Cherry's direction as a subtle question— Ashtray gave him a head shake, wordlessly telling him not to question it.

the fact that this entire book
is basically just filler chapters
is irking me so much— but i'm
gonna try to get another chapter
out today before the new episode

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