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I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW, but I have good reason too— Cherry went into labour twenty minutes ago and we've been running around the apartment shouting things at eachother.

"Hurry the fuck up Ash! Now is not the fuckin time to take a shit!" Fezco shouts, startling me as I finish drawing on my tattoos.

I can't leave without them, if someone saw me without them they'd know they were fake— and I can't let that happen.

"I'm not fucking shutting!" I shout back, popping the cap onto the marker before mumbling a curse to myself and opening the door, almost slamming it into my brother— though I probably should've for shouting something so embarrassing about me.

Fezco rolled his eyes before speed walking away, grabbing a bag from the floor on his way out.

I rush out, ducking into the nursery to grab the final bag Cherry had us prepare a month ago 'in case of emergencies'. In my mind, this is totally an emergency.

When I walk back to the living room Cherry is on the edge of the couch, her hands on her knees with her head dropped between her shoulders as her chest heaves.

She's obviously in pain and my heart hurts to see her like this, but I know that in a couple of hours it'll all be worth it.

I kneel infront of my girl and try to comfort her the best I can, whispering soft reassurances to her while we wait for Faye to come back inside and tell us the cars ready.

"You excited to meet her? Because I am and I'm sure she's excited to meet you" I whisper, pushing the hairs behind her ears as she breathes through her nose.

She gave me a short nod in response, her lips quirking up to that cheeky grin I love to look at so much.

Ever since everything went down two months ago it's been quiet around here, we've kept our distance from the drug dealing world and decided it would be best if we continued our lives as a normal family.

Atleast then the cops would be off our fucking asses and we wouldn't have to be cautious out in public.

The police took us all in for questioning after Custer was taken away, asking us about Laurie and how we knew her— of course we all lied.

I should probably feel bad for Custer since he's the one in prison right now, but honestly I don't give a fuck about him— especially after he put his hands on Cherry.

"The cars ready!" Faye calls from the front door, bending to rest her hands on her knees as she pants, a frantic look on her face.

Yeah me fucking too Faye.

While Fezco goes to pack the last ag into the car I stand, holding my hands out and helping Cher as much as I can— her bump has grown so much in the past two or so months that I'm almost convinced there's more than one baby in there.

When she's standing and able to walk to the door we begin our journey, making it to the backseat of the car in a whopping five minutes— though I'm not going to judge her because I know she's in a lot of pain right now.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 , ᵃˢʰᵗʳᵃʸWhere stories live. Discover now