xxiii. niece or nephew ?

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IF YOU WERE TO ASK CHERRY WHETHER SHE WANTED A BOY OR A GIRL, she'd tell you she didn't care— but how many mothers say that and actually mean it?

Cherry however meant it— she wholeheartedly didn't care whether she was having a boy or girl, just as long as they were healthy and happy.

"I know I probably shouldn't say this— but i'm hoping for a nephew" Fezco whispers, leaning over so only Cherry could hear.

Cherry laughed, though it was more of an airy chuckle as she adjusted the plain shirt she had on— now that her bump was a lot bigger it was harder to fit into her clothes.

"After this we'll go and get you some of those clothes pregnancy clothes" Ashtray said, tightening his hand around hers as he spread his legs and got comfortable— knowing the wait would be a while.

"Maternity clothes?" Cherry asked— she herself didn't know much about pregnancy or kids, getting most of her information off of google and the magazines they keep in the waiting rooms.

"Is that what pregnant women wear?" He frowned, tilting his head as he stared into her eyes.

Cherry shrugged. "I think so"

The corner of his lips twitched, a smile threatening to break through before he pressed his lips together and nodded, an amused hum leaving his lips.

When Cherry's name was called the three stood up, already knowing what was happening due to the past appointments.

It was five minutes later that Victoria waltzed in, a large smile on her face that had her eyes squinting and an excited bounce in her steps.

"I just have to know— are we finding out the gender today?" Victoria asked, closing the door behind her and making her way over to the spare chair.

Cherry looked to both males beside her— Fezco had a certain glint in his eyes, one that revealed just how happy he was. Ashtray's leg was bouncing up and down against the shiny floor, his fingers fiddling with a stray piece of string hanging off his pants.

The young girl nodded, her hair bouncing in its ponytail as her head moved.

"Okay, but before we do that I do need to ask you some questions, considering you're halfway through your pregnancy" Victoria stated, turning around to the desk behind her and shuffling through some papers.

She pulled out a little notebook, as well as a small booklet and two pens.

"We're going to do a bit of planning, just so you know what's going on and what will happen" She spoke, handing over the booklet and a pen.

Cherry nodded along, listening and answering whatever questions Victoria had for her.

"One thing that we do need to figure out is how you're going to give birth. Most mothers just got with the usual hospital choice, but recently water births have been trending and recommended" She said, gesturing with her hands as she spoke.

"What's a water birth?" Fezco asked, looking between Cherry and Victoria for an answer.

Victoria chuckled, bringing her hands together to place on top of her crossed legs.

"It's basically just what it's called— when the mother gives birth in water, some do it in the hospital but others choose to do it at home— which is considered a home birth." She explained.

"Look Cher, I'm all for that ritual and natural stuff— but I don't think giving birth in the apartment is the best idea" Fezco said, his doe eyes blinking slowly.

Cherry grimaced, scenarios of giving birth flashing through her mind and successfully terrifying her.

"Yeah I wasn't really planning it" She mumbled, scooting further down into her seat.

"I think I'll just stick with the hospital one— that sounds easier" Cherry stated, her eyebrows pulling together to form a frown.

Victoria gave an understanding nod. "Of course— another thing is whether you'll want to have an epidural or not. However there are side affects that come with the epidural" she said, letting the information sink in before speaking again. "But don't worry too much, you don't have to make a final decision for atleast another month"

Cherry nodded and continued answering questions, if she was taking her daily prenatal vitamins, if she was following the diet planner she'd been given, if she'd felt the baby move yet— she answered them all.

"Okay mama, let's get you up here" Victoria suggested, standing up and helping Cherry onto the makeshift bed before gathering the needed tools.

"Are you excited?" Ashtray asked, sitting at the edge of his seat as he watched Victoria begin the ultrasound.

Cherry hummed, waiting impatiently while Victoria found the right position to leave the transducer.

"... and... there's the heartbeat" Victoria stated, just as a loud thumping filled the room, the sound much louder than the last time.

"Baby looks healthy ... in the right position too" She said, moving the transducer a little more before chuckling and turning the screen towards them.

"It looks like you're having a—"

i needed to add in a cliffhanger
somewhere [eye rolling emoji]
also are you team boy or team girl?

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