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~"it's not what you think"~

 For her surprise, he didn't blush.

"hey! H- how you doin'?" Harry stuttered and mentally slapped himself.

There he was.

"Pretty good thanks, what about you?" She kindly asked with a chuckle. He had changed over the summer, his hair was longer, his jawline was more visible and he was at least 4 centimeters taller. She thought it was perfect, she was 1.64 and he was exactly 6 centimeters taller than her so if she got in her tiptoes, she would perfectly reach his stature. He looked gorgeous.

"Katie?" That word made her snap back into reality.

"Sorry, what?" She questioned.

"I'm telling you to come in" his eyes widened ", if —  you want to, obviously" he awkwardly cleared.

"Oh! Umm- sure!" She entered the room that wasn't very organized, the bed was undone as if he was searching for something, the closet was opened and bunch of sweaters were out of it. This was really weird, Harry was usually very organized and neat.

"Sorry for the disaster, I- I didn't know you'll come" he muttered, discretely grabbing some clothes that were over the desk and putting them back to the wardrobe.

"Molly said you were looking for me" she said.

" oh, yeah, I wanted to know when were you going to be here" he replied giving no matter, though it looked suspicious.

"Oh, okay" Katie roughly responded. She was kinda expecting him to say that he couldn't wait to see her or something like that. She narrowed her eyes at a black box that was pinned against the wall behind the door, as if he didn't want anyone to see it

"What's that?" She curiously asked, going to the mysterious box.

"Oh- uh- nothing!" He said taking Katie by the shoulders and not letting her open it.

" oh c'mon, I wanna now!" She said, suddenly frowning "wait, do I wanna know?"

"No you don't, yo should check the other side of the room and-" Katie escaped from the grip and ran to the packaging, she opened and it was nothing less than an blue electric guitar.

"You play the guitar? Huh, I never thought you would" she gently grabbed it containing the laugh from Harry's face, who looked like a 5 years old was grabbing a newborn baby.

"Fine, I do, but don't tell anyone!"

"Why? You ashamed of it?"


"Then what"


"You also said that this was nothing and it's a guitar"

"I know but-" they were interrupted by Ron Weasley, who else.

"Mate, mate, katie is here you have te get ready. You know, I got you covered with the blushing but remember, don't stutter, be rough, bold, slick-" Harry was trying to tell Ron that Katie was right behind him, but he didn't seem to understand.

"Hi ron" she said with sly a smile.

"Hi katie! Umm, it's not what you think" Ron assured winking at Harry. He covered his face with his hands ashamed.

"Uh-huh, sure" she placed the guitar in the case again and left the room after saying "bye" to each one.

Nothing changed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Amount of words: 527

Chapter 3, nothing 

Invisible string

𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔/ℎ.𝑝Where stories live. Discover now