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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.0'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Winnie huffed carrying a stack of books to their respected shelf, her coworker too lazy to do it themselves. Saying to winnie. "You're strong, you can do it. I'm busy." they said making winnie roll her eyes, grabbing the stacks, grumbling curses under her breath.

The girl almost cried realizing they needed to go on the top shelf which unfortunately she was too short to reach. Winnie wasn't a short person in fact she was average height or at least their mum told her they were. Looking around, Winnie spotted the stool but realized her coworker was using it.

It took everything for winnie to not just quit and go home to start her useless homework their teacher assigned. They were in their last year of college excited to be done with the shit hole and get a real job that'll support her financially.

A ding caught the girls attention. She looked over to the door, a smile making its way onto their face as their best friend walked in cluelessly looking around the library for the girl. "George! Over here!" she yelled ignoring the looks her coworkers sent the girl for being loud in a library.

George shook his head at the girls' antics only Winnie would be loud in a library to catch the boys attention. Quickly shuffling past people, George made it over to the blonde. He smiled leaning against the shelf forgetting he had a mask on so she couldn't see his smile.

"It's not right to yell in a library win." George joked, making the girl smile scoffing playfully. "Yeah? And that brown sweater with those blue jeans aren't right but i'd never judge you.'' Winnie responded watching as George pulled at the end of his sweater eyebrows furrowed.

Winnie chuckled, shaking  her head at the boy. "I'm teasing you, kinda. Anyways, since you're here, help me." they said pointing at the top shelf and the books in her hands. George rolled his eyes at her. "Putting me to work at your own job? You should be fired."

George shook his head, grabbing the books from her and putting them on their respected shelf. Winnie scoffed, shoving the boy lightly. "Okay Mr. influencer. I'm going to clock out stay puit yeah?" they asked making george nod staying put as they walked away whispering something to her coworker making the worker glance at george and nod.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

"So what are we doing? I know you didn't ask me to hangout just for ice cream.'' Winnie said, making George raise a brow. "Who says?" he asked, making winnie smirk "selena gomez apparently." Winnie said, making George groan, resisting the urge to throw his ice cream at the girl.

Winnie laughed, her eyes crinkling a little, making George smile and start laughing with her. After a while the pair stopped laughing. "No but seriously, what do you want george?" she asked making george purse his lips.

They had every right to be skeptical, once George started getting more popular he didn't hang out with her as often unless it was something important or he had no one else to go to. "I was bored and realized we hadnt hung out in a bit, is that so wrong?" he asked, watching the girl for a reaction.

He had come to the conclusion that their reaction was bad he'd leave and let her cool off. But, if it was good he'd ask them what he needed to. Winnie smiled lightly, nodding her head as if to say proceed.

"Mum wants to throw a dinner party and asked me to invite you." George blurted out watching winnies face fall. There he goes again, she thought, just hanging out with me for a need. "Aha, I knew it. You always want something from me mr.notfound." winnie said, putting on a smile and leaning in their chair.

George pursed his lips looking into the girl's eyes. "I generally wanted to hang out just us this time, but you know how my mum is win, she won't give up till I ask.'' George said, making Winnie put her hand up to shush the boy. "I get it. Yeah I'll come. I should head home now it's getting late."

Lies. it was only 6pm she had plenty of time to hangout with her childhood friend but she just wasn't in the mood anymore. "Winnie please," the boy pouted, making the girl sigh, shaking her head. "I really do want to hang out! I promise. I miss you win." george whined, making Winnie sigh.

"Walk me home then. Maybe I'll let you stay, maybe not." Winnie said, making George smile standing up immediately. Winnie followed the boy. The two walked in  silence for twenty minutes eventually reaching the girls apartment complex. "Can I stay?" George asked, messing with the sleeves of his sweater.

Winnie stared at the boy trying to decide if it was worth it. "Alright. Only for a few hours." they said watching george smile, his smile was so contagious causing winnie to smile back a pit in her stomach.

happy early valentines day, have a good day


𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now