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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 2.8'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ────────◍ 3:23 ➛

Winnie hummed to the song playing on their phone. They we sat in George's and theirs shared room while said boy was streaming. It didn't take much convincing on George's end to get the girl to move in with him.

Matter of fact it suprised him with how quickly she said yes. But to winnie it seemed like the best move, they've already spent their whole life together so living with each other wouldn't be that different. And they convinced George to let winnie buy groceries while he pays for rent since he refused to let them pay.

George was doing a late night alt stream with sapnap and dream, he wanted to end soon to go spend some time with his beautiful girlfriend who kept texting him about how cute he looked on stream and sending him memes of him. "Alright I'm going to call it a night." George said making sapnap groan.

"You're only getting off to spend time with your girlfriend." The boy complained making George laugh. "At least I have one." George retaliated making dream wheeze. "Fuck off bitch." Sapnap said making George shake his head. "Night." George said leaving the call to end stream.

Winnie ran out of the room and stood behind George's chair being in the camera sight. They were wearing George's red youtube hoodie and shorts waving at the camera. "Hi chat bye chat!" Winnie said making George look up at them and smile.

"You came all the way out here just to say goodbye to chat?" George asked making winnie look down at him nodding. "I've got to feed them crumbs or they'll starve." They replied making George laugh.

Winnie smiled at the sound leaning her head down to peck the boys forehead. "I'll be laying down watching glee if you need me." They said making George wave them off. "Alright chat like winnie said goodbye! Bye!" George said waving at the camera while hitting the end stream button.

The boy yawned turning off the lights and grabbing his phone heading to his room. He walked in seeing winnie sprawled out on the bed humming to the glee song that was playing on the tv.

George smiled ruffling his brown hair and getting into bed with the girl. He quickly wrapped his arms around their waist making winnie put their head on his chest. "How was stream?" They asked making George hum pressing a kiss to the top of the girls blonde head.

"It was good, I didn't win many games though." George said yawning slightly. Winnie hummed snuggling into the boys chest. His cologne fill her nostrils making her scrunch their nose up at how strong it was. "Sucks to suck." They mumbled george scoff.

Winnie's eyes fluttered open resting their chin on his chest to look up at him. "I love you." They said making george look down at them a soft smile dancing on his lips. "And I love you, now watch your show before I turn it off." He said making winnie laugh and face the tv.

That night was spent with George playing with the girls hair and listening to her ramble on and on about how annoying Rachel berry is and how they couldn't stand the girl. George couldn't have asked for a better night like this one.

It was almost like it came out of a dreamland. Winnie was the first real friend he had as a kid and couldn't have imagined a better person to spend every day with. Even when they argue or cry. He couldn't ask for anyone else.

Everything he and winnie did made it feel like a movie he saw in his youth. Like a song that just unopened him. Whether it was hugging or just sitting in silence while they sat on their phones. Winnie made everything worth it. They made streaming and getting hate worth it. George loved winnie, and winnie loved George. And that's all they needed in this virtual world.

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The end

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Authors notes;
Thank you guys so much for reading this little story! It means a lot to me, all the comments the votes the adding to reading lists! It makes me want to write more and spend hours and hours providing you content! I'm sure this won't be the last of winnie and George I'll definitely post content of them on my tiktok if you guys ever miss them :,) love you all so so so much
Xx honey

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