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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.13'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Winnie would've expected George to be in the bed with her maybe that's what they were wishing for when they woke up. However as their tired eyes blinked open adjusting to the small sun light in the room they were alone.

Huffing the girl got up walking out of the room being quiet in case George had decided to sleep on the couch. However winnie was shocked to see George in the kitchen plating McDonald's breakfast on plates.

"Morning." She said making George look up and smile. "Hi, sorry if I woke you, I wanted to make sure you had food before school." George said making winnie hum. He hadn't woken her up in fact her annoying alarm had, or maybe it was the empty bed.

Winnie yawned walking over to the boy grabbing a plate and eating making George smile. "Where's Tommy?" They asked making George shake his head laughing. "Went home, made his dad come and pick him up I told him he could've stayed longer but guess he was homesick." George responded making winnie hum.

"Well I should get home, I need clothes." Winnie frowned not wanting to take two trips this morning but didn't want to wear the clothes they had worn the day before. "Nonsense, just wear some of mine. It'll be big but better than going all the way home to chnage then rush to school. Come on win."

Winnie followed the boy to his room watching him pull out clothes. He has picked his smallest shirt and jeans grabbing one of his merch hoodies for the girl to wear seeing as though it was cold. "Thanks." Winnie said rushing to the bathroom to change.

Huffing they looked in the mirror analyzing the outfit. It wasn't huge on them surprisingly. The jeans were just a little baggy but it was a style they had seen other girls wear and the jumper was big enough to make them feel warm all day, however Monica might ask questions.

Grabbing George's brush winnie cringed brushing their hair. Hating the fact she was using someone else brush. Thankfully they had left a tooth brush last time they stayed and used it.

Finally after what felt like an hour they left the bathroom smiling at George who sat at his desk. "Looks like it fits, have fun at school, come back after yeah?" George asked a smile never leaving his lips his eyes squinting slightly. "Yeah yeah, see you later." Winnie huffed quickly leaving the boy's apartment.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

It took longer than expected to get to school seeing as though George lived further than winnie did. By the time they'd had gotten there their hands were frozen barley keeping warm in the sweater paws the girl had made.

Winnie rushed to their class bumping into a random girl. "Oh I'm so sorry." Winnie said cringing slightly. The girl had dark Auburn hair and blue eyes. Winnie watched the girl look down at the jumper than winnie. "You like georgenotfound? That's so cool! I watch him from time to time." The girl said.

"Oh! Yeah he's pretty cool, I'm winnie." They said extending a hand out to the girl who laughed shaking it. "Penelope but you can call me penny." The girl said smiling brightly. It would've been so funny to tell the girl winnie had just left the streams apartment but decided against it.

Winnie smiled looking at their watch frowning. "Nice to meet you penny, however I'm late. Can I get you're number." Winnie said making penny's eyes widen her grin getting bigger. "Of course here!"

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

"I'm just saying you spent the night with him then show up in his clothes! How are we supposed to feel winnie." Monica said making daxton nod a scolding look on his face. Winnie groaned shoving their face in their hands feeling their cheeks heat up.

Monica got ready to rant again when someone came up to their table. "Hey winnie!" The girl said making winnie look up a smile on their face. "Hey penny! Sit!" Winnie said making penny nod sitting with the group. "Penny this is Monica and daxton, daxton Monica this is penny we meet earlier they like georgenotfound like me."

Winnie gave the pair a look that said 'don't say anything about George.' Monica's eyes widened slightly but quickly hide it with a smile. "That's awesome! I'm glad she can annoy someone else besides us." Monica joked daxton laughing.

"That's a good one holy shit, hey penny nice to meet you! I love your hair it's cute." He said making the girl blush. "Thank you! Id happily hear about Georgenotfound all day." Penelope said looking at winnie who sent her a small smile.

Monica coughed catching the girls eyes. "Winnie can I talk to you about something important." Monica said making winnie huff but follow Monica a few feet away. "I thought you've been on George's stream wouldn't they know who you are???" Monica said making winnie frown.

"I only just showed my face last night to his chat. I'm sure they don't know. I'll tell them eventually." Winnie said making Monica sigh. "Alright. But the conversation from earlier isn't finished. You're lucky she came."

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

♥ liked by georgenotfound and 50k others Winnie222 favorite hoodie award♥️20 minutes ago

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♥ liked by georgenotfound and 50k others
Winnie222 favorite hoodie award♥️
20 minutes ago

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Georgenotfound as expected georgenotfound.shop

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⤷ in reply to— Georgenotfound
Winnie222 should've said "wow winnie you look cute." Never posting your merch again .
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Georgenotfound no! I'm sorry forgive me 😖

Dreamwastaken mines better I'll send you some.

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⤷ in reply to— dreamwastaken
Winnie222 please so I need better hoodies this one is shit😭
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Georgenotfound pain. All I feel is pain.

Monicabun you're so hot give me one chance 🫣

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⤷ in reply to— monicabun
Winnie222 fucking finally give me a smooch💋
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Daxthepax I'm so fucking hurt rn where's my kiss?!?!
⤷ in reply to— Daxthepax
Monicabun in the mail with your comment L

Authors note;
listened to Christmas music while writing this...

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