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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.11'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Winnie woke up in her bed a blanket draped over their body. They don't remember much after the park, just little bits and pieces. George had come over like she asked him. They sat on their couch watching a movie and making jokes.

When it got late winnie had asked George to stay in their bed with them not wanting to be alone for the fear of crying. George had hesitated but agreed nonetheless seeing the look on the girls face.

He had laid as far away from her to give them space making the girl scoff and pull him closer. "Just like how we were when we were kids yeah?" They mumbled making George purse his lip nodding. "Just like when we were kids."

That's all the girl could remember. They sat up not seeing George in sight. Huffing they left their bed the blanket around their shoulders searching for the boy. That's when they saw the note on their kitchen counter.

"Going to grab breakfast, be back soon."

Winnie smiled putting it down and walking to their couch sitting down and grabbing their phone forgetting what had happened on social media yesterday. Surprisingly there was barley any hate but what caught Winnie's eye was a mention from George. Winnie clicked on it quickly.

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⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

Winnie sighed feeling bad that he even had to defend them. They should've known better than to say what they said on a live stream when the boy had millions of supporters who'd back him up without blinking.

As if the boy knew she was thinking of him he walked into their apartment bags of food in his hands their keys in the other. He had yet to notice the girl sitting on the couch walking to the kitten to plate the food expecting to have to wake them up.

But as he was going to head to Winnie's room he saw them on the couch an amused look on their face. "Morning." He said walking to them and putting their plate in the table infront of them taking his and sitting next to the girl.

"Morning, thank you for the food I'll pay you back." They mumbled the last words making George scoff. "Not happening. Just eat up loser, you're coming with me to film a vlog with Tommy and Wilbur." George said making winnie raise a brow.

George raised his own shoving a pancake in his mouth causing winnie to look away a grimace of disgust on their face grabbing their own food and eating it. "Fine only because I want to not cause you're making me whether or not I say yes." She replied making George nod "you'd be correct."

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

Winnie forced a smile at Tommy and Wilbur making the taller man give the girl a raised brow. "Hello woman." Tommy said making winnie sigh shaking their head. "Tommy what did I say last time we spoke?" She said making the blonde slouch.

"Do not call woman woman anymore it's weird and offensive." He repeated what she had told him the first time they met. "Correct now say hi to me again." Winnie said making the blonde huff. "Hi Winnie." He mumbled making the girl smile.

The group walked towards the diner that wilbur had suggested starting at just to make sure everyone had some food in their system for the day. According to Tommy it was going to be a long day of walking around and messing around eventually going back to George's to stream.

Winnie sat next to Tommy slapping his shoulder when he shoved them slightly. "Behave." She whispered making Tommy huff and nod. "So there's no actual plan besides Tommy going to George's to stay the night and stream?" Winnie asked making everyone nod.

They sighed already cursing George in her head for dragging them along. They'd much rather stay in bed or even go take an extra shift at work. "You're coming to gogys with me right winnie?" Tommy asked.

George had a hopeful look in his eyes. He really didn't want to deal with the hyper teenager alone and knew winnie could keep Tommy somewhat under control. "Am I?" Winnie asked George giving him a look that said 'I dare you to say yes.'

However as much as Winnie's looks made everyone else uncomfortable and instantly scared George just smiled. "Yeah you are." He replied raising a brow at the girl making them glare back. "Then I guess I am." They said their teeth pressed together a fake smile plastered on their face. "Lovely." Wilbur said smiling at the pair.

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