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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.12'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Winnie sat on George's vouching headphones in listening to joji while the two boys streamed. She had told them they didn't want to be on stream just wanted to chill out and watch the boys. George agreed just feeling better the girl was with them.

However winnie quickly took her headphones off seeing George throw a duck at Tommy's eyes "OI! Tom you okay? I'll get some ice!" The girl said scolding George with one look making the man instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" George said to both Tommy and winnie watching the girl rush into his kitchen barley paying attention to chat talking about them and the duck incident. Tommy sat in shock yelling at George waiting for the ice winnie had promised to get.

The girl brought a rag with ice in it over to Tommy pushing it on his eye and sighing. "I hope your mum isn't going to hate us." Winnie mumbled making Tommy smile slightly. "It's fine winnie I'm sure she loves you, however she'll hate gogy now." Tommy said making George groan.

Winnie gave him a look as if to say 'you deserve it.' George sighed finally reading chat. "Yes chat winnie is here, they've been here the whole time they just didn't want to interrupt besides now." George said making winnie look over at the chat and smile.

"Sorry for interrupting chat, my motherly instincts came out, I've had my friends hurt themselves badly but falling or throwing stuff so I'm used to this." Winnie said shaking their head at the memories.

George nodded knowing one of the times they'd helped a friend was him. He had fallen after trying to ride a skateboard in college to impress winnie and it ended with the girl putting a bandaid on a cut and scolding him with a smile on their face.

"Alright chat I'm going to end here cause Tommy's eye hurts and I'm tired." George said making Tommy nod going off and George again making winnie giggle making sure the ice was still on Tommy's eyes.

After a little bit of the boys going back and forth George ended stream leaning back in his chair and sighing. "I'm really sorry tommy." He said making the blonde shrug. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt as bad anymore thanks to winnie." Tommy said making the girl smile.

"I should be getting home." Winnie said standing up making both boys look over at her. "No no if I'm staying the night so are you! Sleepover mate." Tommy said making winnie sigh. "You should stay. It's too late to walk home and I'm not comfortable with you taking an Uber." George said making winnie purse their lips.

Huffing the girl walked to the couch and sat on it pulling their phone out. "Fine but I need clothes I can't sleep in this." They said gesturing to their skirt and shirt making George nod and go to his room to grab some of this clothes for her to wear.

"Are you and George an item ?" Tommy asked making winnie choke on their spit confused. "No!? Why would you even ask that?" They said making Tommy put his hands up in defense laughing. "Maybe because the way you two look at each other."

As winnie went to reply George walked out handing the girl his hoodie and some sweats. "Thanks." They said making George nod. "You can take the guest room and Tommy can take the couch." George said making Tommy gasp. "What? I want the bed." Tommy complained.

"I can take the couch!" Winnie said making Tommy nod and George roll his eyes. "You're not sleeping on a couch win, just share the bed with me then. If you're going to be stubborn that is." George said making Winnie's eyes widen.

They wanted to say no that the couch would be just fine but they knew George would press them till they agreed. "Fine. I'm going to change on the bathroom then go to bed. You boys keep it down yeah?" Winnie said making both boys nod.

Sighing winnie went to the bathroom changing quickly. As expected George's clothes were too big for her and swallowed her. Shaking their head they went to George's room slipping under his covers and sighing when the smell of peppermint and cinnamon hit their nose.

It was comforting that George's so called scent hadn't changed since childhood. It made falling asleep so much easier for winnie. Though they'd never admit that it would be embarrassing.

It had been a few hours of George and Tommy talking and messing around finally the teen was tired enough to go to the guest room and sleep. George yawned walking to his room and smiling when he saw winnie fast asleep, his hoodie falling around their face eyes closed and mouth slightly open.

Changing into some sweats George got into his bed watching the way Winnie's chest slowly went up and down taking each breath in. Eventually the girls breathing put George to sleep.

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now