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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.9'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

"Wait so you're telling me you and your childhood best friend almost kissed?" daxton asked, slamming the chemistry book shut causing several students in the library to look at him and winnie. "Hush! I haven't even told monica and she'd kill me if she knew i told you first.'' Winnie admitted making dax nod.

The girl sighed, putting her head down against the desk wanting nothing more than to scream. Dax frowned, rubbing the girls back. "Hey, I'm sure it was just a heat of the moment thing! Of course unless you want it to mean more then i'm sure it did!" he said watching the girl turn her head so the side of it was squished by the table.

"You sure dax? Cause I'm not. I don't know if i want it to mean something more or if i just want it to be a heat of the moment.'' Winnie mumbled feeling defeated. They haven't felt this way since sixth grade when they gained the littlest crush on George and he kissed her cheek as a thank you.

Daxton sighed, grabbing his phone and texting Monica an sos. "Alright babe. Time for a wake up call from Monica, let's go." dax said putting the two's stuff away in their respective bags and grabbing winnies arm dragging her out of the library and towards the two mutual friends' loft.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

"Okay what was the sos about? I mean what's so important I had to kick my girlfriend out for you twats.'' Monica said, opening the door for the two not noticing the gloom look on winnies face. "Win win here got herself in a situation with george." dax said sitting winnie on the couch grabbing monica's tea without asking.

Monica sighed sitting down next to winnie running her hands through her dark hair wanting to slap daxton for stealing her tea. "Alright, Winnie, what happened?" she asked, causing the girl to look up at her friend huffing.

"So like i told daxton george was over for a movie night and one second we are having playful banter the next we are centimeters away from kissing then his phone went off and we pulled away and he excused himself to answer the phone then left straight after." Winnie explained for the second time but it felt like the fifth.

Monica took in all the information watching dax make himself at home and grab the girls remote putting on gossip girl. "Well was it a mutual lean in or was it like him just staying still and you leaning in?" Monica asked getting up to make more tea for herself and winnie.

Winnie groaned, slouching on the couch.. "That's the problem, I don't know! I don't know if it was mutual if he wanted to kiss me or if it was just a heat of the moment!" Winnie explained, waving their hands around. Monica took all the information in sharing a look with dax who nodded.

"Alright. It's time we tell you the truth honeybunch." Monica said going back to the coach with two cups of tea one with extra sugar and the other with none. "What truth?" Winnie asked, looking between the two confused. "So you know how when you and George stopped talking we backed you up but brought him up often?" dax started.

Winnie nodded slowly sipping her tea, still confused on where the two were going with this. "Well we were just confused because we swore you two were going to start dating, cause george had asked us if we'd care if he took you on a date and asked you to be his girlfriend.'' Monica finished shrugging as if this wasn't important information.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Winnie said, staring mouth agape at the pair. "Yeah he acted like we were your parents so we got confused when you called him a bloody twat and said you're done with his shit. But when we confronted him he said he just got too busy and didn't feel anything for you anymore."

"Which we now know is utter bullshit." dax said, making Monica nod. "He for sure still likes you but wanted space for his job or whatever. So now we ask you how do you feel about him?" Monica said watching winnies face for a reaction.

They stared at the screen in shock. They really couldn't believe what they were hearing. That George, their best friend, had this huge crush on them about a year ago and was going to ask them out but blacked out because of work. "But- what-. What if he doesn't like me anymore but that was just a heat of the moment thing?" Winnie asked.

"Then it was a heat of the moment and you two go back to normal being friends and annoying twats." Monica said as if it were obvious. Daxton nodded in agreement making winnie nod with him. "Yeah okay, so everything will be fine when I see him later?" Winnie asked, making the pair's eyes widen.

Daxton looked at Winnie as if they had kept the biggest secret from them. "You're seeing him tonight? After yesterday? You brave brave girl." dax said, making winnie furrow their brows confused. "Winnie cancel it. It's too soon to see him it'll be awkward.'' Monica said.

Winnie frowned, nodding her head at her friend's words. "Alright, fine. But can I stay the night then?" Winnie asked, smiling over at Monica who sighed. "Sure, you to daxton. Gossip girl marathon. Now go text George and say something came up." monica said, making Winnie smile, grabbing their phone and clicking on George's contact.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

Win<3Hey can we reschedule tonight?

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Hey can we reschedule tonight?

Sure, is there a reason?

Something came up with Monica and Dax :(
So sorry next week I promise💕

Oh okay!
Hope everything works out :]
Read at 3:45

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