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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 2.4'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Lunch. Something winnie loves and looks forward to, probably more than spending time with George. Huffing winnie sat down at the lunch table infront of Monica who sent the girl a look.

"What's wrong you princess?" Monica asked shoving some mac n cheese in their mouth. Dax has told them not to wait up and that he has lunch plans for once. "I keep forgetting to leave clothes at George's house for school." Winnie grumbled looking down at said boys merch.

Monica glanced at it and held back laughter. "So he puts you in his merch... is this an ego thing or a boyfriend marking his territory thing?" Monica asked making winnie groan and shove their head in the desk. It should swallow them and save the pity, but no that would be to nice of the world.

Instead- "hey Monica hey winnie!" A sweet voice said making winnie want to die right there. "Oh hey penny! Long time no see, how have you been." Monica said humming and tapping Winnie's hand as a signal to get up and he polite.

If winnie was honest they had forgotten about penny, they hadn't texted each other in weeks nor have they seen each other at school. "Hey penny!" Winnie said faking a smile and looking at the auburn haired girl who was also wearing George merch.

"Hey! I've been good! Sorry I haven't been around much some stuff happened with my grandma and I just got back in town." Penny said smiling softly at both girls. If winnie could she'd put penny in a box and keep them forever safe and warm.

Monica frowned looking down at their food. "I'm sorry, that really suck. I'm glad you're back now." Monica said making penny sigh running a hand through her hair. "Yeah me too, hey winnie you never told me you knew George!" Penny said turning to face the blonde who looked like a fish out of water.

Monica snickered hiding their face behind their hands. "Oh- I- um- you see-" winnie stammered making Penny laugh. "I'm not mad! If anything I'm suprised!" Penny said waving their hands around making winnie let out a relieved sigh. "I'm sorry for not telling you! It's just I didn't think it was important."

Now for the first time since knowing Penny and spending two lunches with said girl winnie had never seen her irritated or mad. But this time Penny slapped the back of Winnie's head. "Not important??! You lunatic! It's so important to tell your bestfriend that you're friends with a famous person!"

The three girls laughed at penny's words knowing she meant no harm. "Yeah yeah, next time you can meet him." Winnie said half heartedly. "Oh really! Can we go out today?! Id just love to tell him hi. Or maybe not today since I'm wearing his merch that'll make me weird huh. Oh boy who cares!"

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

"So she's a fan of my content?" George asked sitting with Winnie at a table in Starbucks. "Yes, but she's super sweet and I think you'll get along. Just be nice." Winnie said pecking the boys check. George smiled squeezing the pairs hands.

Just as he did that Penny walked in the place. She was wearing a black long sleeve with a brown jacket over it and blue ripped jeans. She spotted winnie waving and walked over. "Hey! Sorry I'm late I had to help my neighbor with some stuff."

Winnie nodded smiling and handing the girl her coffee. "Thanks again, I'll pay you back." Penny said taking a sip and sighing at the warm coffee. "No need George paid." Winnie said pushing the boys side who was staring at penny.

"Hi, I'm George." He said making winnie sigh and shake their head. "Oh! Where are my manners, apologies! I'm Penelope but my friends call me Penny! It's so nice to meet you." Penny said raising a hand for George to shake.

And the dark haired boy did just that a smile on his face. "Now that formality is out and over with, Penny wanna come over to mine after this? We can ditch the loser." Winnie said making George glare at her while winnie just stuck their tongue out.

"I'd love to! We can watch movies, maybe Disney ones! Next time you'll have to come to mine." Penny said thinking out loud making winnie smile. They loved Penny. Penny was so sweet and full of sunshine and laughter, it was so different from other friends.

George sighed drinking his own coffee. He was very concerned about someone whose a fan of his knowing details about his personal life but if winnie trusted Penny he'd just have to learn to.

Penny and winnie spent the next hour laughing and making jokes about George as if he wasn't there making him but in and explain stuff that winnie shrugged off while Penny apologized with a smile on her face.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

♥ liked by winnie222 and 5 thousand othersPenelopepending winnie! 3 minutes ago

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♥ liked by winnie222 and 5 thousand others
Penelopepending winnie!
3 minutes ago

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Winnie222 Penny!

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⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Penelopepending 💗💗

Monicabun my invite? Where was it ? :(

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⤷ in reply to— Monicabun
Penelopepending OMG IM SO SORRY MON:(
⤷ in reply to— Penelopepending
Winnie222 don't be the snake needs alone time :)
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Monicabun die.

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