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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.18'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

It was way to late by the time winnie walked into their apartment a smile on their face the whole time. They took their shoes off and threw their purse on the kitchen counter humming 'until I found you' by Stephen Sanchez.

"So I'm assuming it went well?" Monica asked from the couch scaring winnie half to death. The blonde clutched their chest gripping the counter with their other hand. "Holy shit Monica you scared me!" Winnie yelled making the latter laugh from the couch pausing glee.

Winnie huffed going into their room to change. They walked back out seeing the show unpaused and Monica sitting up instead of laying down. "But for your information it went lovely." Winnie said sitting down next to Monica who hummed resting her head on the blondes shoulder.

"Don't tell details, Dax would murder us in cold blood." Monica said yawning at the end of her sentence making winnie hum in agreement. Winnie put her head on top of Monica's sighing. "Wanna share the bed and cuddle?" Winnie asked making Monica sit up hitting Winnie's head in the process.

Winnie held their head while Monica sat up turning the tv off and grabbing her phone. "Don't have to tell me twice!" The girl said running to Winnie's bedroom almost slipping on the hardwood floor making winnie laugh. "Weirdo." She mumbled getting up to follow their all to eager friend.

Monica acted like a hard as Infront of others but in private with just winnie she was the biggest softy ever. She craved the physical touch that winnie would give. Monica laid in Winnie's bed under the covers when winnie entered the room.

"You're so slow. Like a snail." Monica said making winnie scoffing laying down and plugging their phone in. "You are like sonic when I say the words cuddle." Winnie said making Monica scoff wrapping her arms around Winnie's waist resting their head in the blondes chest.

Winnie ran her hands through her friends dark hair hearing the girl hum. "Did you stay up till I got home?" Winnie whispered. "Was planning on going to bed at 4am if you didn't show." Monica mumbled backing making winnie chuckle. "I love you mon." Winnie said kissing the top of the girls head.

"I love you winnie." Monica replied leaning her head up to kiss the other girls chin. It was sloppy leaving a wet patch that made winnie groan in disgust. "Ugh I take it back I hate you." They complained hearing Monica laugh and put their head back onto their chest. "Night whore." Monica mumbled into winnie chest. "Night bug."

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

♥ liked by monicabun and 34k othersWinnie222 I hate her no matter what she says 40 minutes ago

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♥ liked by monicabun and 34k others
Winnie222 I hate her no matter what she says
40 minutes ago

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monicabun you love me so much slut

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⤷ in reply to— monicabun
Winnie222 die die die♥️
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
monicabun id just haunt you if I did🥰

Georgenotfound that looks more like an "I love you" photo

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⤷ in reply to— georgenotfound
Winnie222 whose side are you on?!?!
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
monicabun the best side duh 🙄

Dreamwastaken you guys are cute I'm actually jealous

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⤷ in reply to— dreamwastaken
monicabun the green booger is jealous of me mum I made it🤩
⤷ in reply to— monicabun
Dreamwastaken I've changed my mind I agree with winnie I hate you.
⤷ in reply to— dreamwastaken
Winnie222 FINALLY this is why you're my favorite dream😚

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

Winnie sat on a desk watching George attempt to put books up for them. He had offered to accompany her to their shift today seeing as though both Monica and Dax where at work. It had been three days after the second kiss.

"Can I just ask again why I'm doing your job for you?" George said turning around with a book in his hand. Winnie smile making grabby hands at him making George huff and look around before giving in and standing in between the girls legs.

Winnie hummed resting their hand on his check feel George press himself further into her hand. "Because I let you kiss me for free and I don't ask dumb questions." Winnie said making George scoff. "You definitely do ask dumb questions." George said making winnie tut at him. "Nope, must be another winnie." They said amusement swirling in their eyes.

George rolled his eyes leaning down to capture the girls lips in a sweet soft kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds smiling at the girl. "Get back to work or I won't pay you." Winnie said making George raise a brow. "Not to be egotistical but I make more than you." George said making winnie slap his shoulder.

"Alright that's one whole hour without a kiss. Anymore stupid comments and I'll up the time mister." Winnie said making George huff moving away from the girl to finish putting the books away.

The pair got strange looks from Winnie's coworkers. To which winnie would just wave and smile at them as if this was a normal experience. "Are we still going to my mums Sunday?" George asked making winnie nod realizing his back was facing them.

"Yeah, I already cancelled movie night with the girls." Winnie said making George look over his shoulder at them. "You mean Monica and Dax." He said making winnie nod "at this point Dax counts as a girl. I don't care what he says." Winnie said making George nod and turn his attention back to the books.

Winnie watch in admiration at her best friend. He was wearing a tan sweater and black jeans. He looked perfect as always, however his outfit was showing off compared to winnie who was stuck wearing the bright red work shirt with black jeans.

"What are we telling your mum?" Winnie said making George spin around to face them. "What do you mean?" He asked making the girl raise a brow. "You're pulling my arm right?" Winnie said making George raise a brow.

Winnie groaned hitting their head against the wall making George huff walking over to the girl putting his hand in between the girls head and the wall worried they'd eventually get a concussion. "If we kiss, in-front of her. What are we telling her. About us." Winnie said looking up at the boy.

George hummed pressing a kiss to their nose watching their eyes flutter shut their head tilting slightly making him smile. "We tell her we are figuring it out but we really like to kiss each other." George said making winnie flutter their eyes back open staring into his brown eyes.

"Okay. That works." Winnie said making George hum. "Now back to work, you still don't get a kiss for another hour." Winnie said making George throw his head back groaning. "I'm regretting coming to work with you." "Hey it's bring your pet to work day now enjoy it!" "I don't think I like you anymore winnie."

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