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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.16'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

George laid in his bed a what felt like a permanent frown upon his lips. It had been five days since he kissed winnie, five days since he last heard from them. He was beyond worried. He had texted and called them multiple times only to be left on delivered and sent to voice mail.

He would've went to their house but he felt like that was invading their space. He really wished he didn't say what he did. After winnie has left he realized what he said and how messed up it was. He quickly called dream for help and only got told how much of a fuck up he was in that moment.

George had begged dream to text winnie and see if they'd respond and dream agreed only because he was worried for both of his friends mental healths. So he sent a quick text getting a respond almost immediately. George held back the vile feeling in his throat when dream told him they responded within seconds.

He should've expected it. Dream hadn't fucked up like he did. Dream didn't tell her that 'they shouldn't have done that' after kissing her like she was his oxygen tank and his lungs were failing. No he had. George had messed everything up and probably ruined whatever he and winnie could've had for good.

"She said they are fine just focusing on school right now and they'll chat later." Dream said repeating the text message the girl had sent. "She's not really fine huh." George thought out loud. "No shit Sherlock. She's probably just as upset as you." Dream said making George lean his head back groaning.

He wanted a time turner like hermione had in Harry Potter. Maybe then he could go back in time and stop himself from saying those words. Then they'd be okay and he'd tell winnie how much he loved that kiss and how much he loved her. He'd get on his knees and praise her and the gods for giving him a chance to kiss such a goddess.

But George wasn't in hogwarts. He was stuck in his dull reality where he had told the girl he's liked for years that they shouldn't have kissed. "Why'd you even say it?" Dream asked breaking the silence.

"I panicked. I didn't want to lose our friendship and I thought she was just kissing me because of the heat of the moment not cause she actually wanted to." George said struggling to explain himself and his feelings out loud.

Dream sighed making George close his eyes. "Winnie is a big girl now george. They aren't that little kid that showed up at your doorstep with their mom and asked if you had cooties." Dream said making George sigh thinking back to that day.

He thought she was cute for a girl. He wanted to hang out with them more maybe show them his games that he had begged his mum and father for. And when they asked if he had cooties he internally decided she was the best thing to ever show up at his door. Not even Santa could've beat her.

"You're right. I'm so fucking stupid." George said hearing dream laugh. "Finally you're right for once." George's eyes flashed remembering their words. 'Right. You're always so right Davidson.' George international screamed hearing them call him by his last name.

They hadn't done that since she was sixteen. He had broken their favorite glass cat statue that they had spent weeks saving for. "WHAT THE HELL?!" They yelled looking at the broken glass on the floor. "Win, look I'm so sorry I'll buy you another one i prom-" "THERE ARENT ANY LIKE THIS OKE. GET OUT DAVIDSON. OUT!" She yelled tears streaming down their face.

Their mom came running into the room looking shocked and scared. "What is with all the yelling?!" Marionette asked looking back and forth from the teens to the broken glass. "Davidson broke my glass cat." Winnie said wiping their tears away. George frowned feeling horrible. He started picking up the glass being careful not to cut himself.

"Winnie im sure he didn't- George honey don't pick that up youll only hurt yourself, I'll get the broom." Marionette said leaving the room as quickly as she appeared. "I'm sorry winnie im so sorry truly." George said looking at winnie while still picking up glass.

Winnie looked at him her gaze hard. That was until george winced in pain looking down at his hand that was now bleeding. "George! Are you okay?" Winnie asked rushing to sit on the floor grabbing his hand to inspect it.

George looked at the girl whose head tilts light holding his hand to not add pressure and hit him more. "I'm really sorry. I'll buy you any glass statue you want." George said making winnie lift her head and lock their eyes with his.

Their gaze softened a small smile taking over their face. "You just cut yourself with glass and all you can think about is repaying me for breaking my glass cat?" Winnie said making George nod.

Winnie laughed their head tilted back the hand holding his injured one shaking softly. George raised a brow his lips quivering into a smile. "You. Are. Too. Much." Winnie said in between breaths. George shook his head looking down at his hand that was still bleeding. "Yeah I know."

"George? Earth to George!" Dream yelled breaking George out of thought. "Hm what?" George asked making dream roll his eyes and sigh. "I was telling you to wait till they call you back then go out for dinner and explain yourself." Dream said making George purse his lips but nod.

George knew that was the best idea however what if they never called him back. What if months later they finally shot him a 'hey I hate you thought I'd put it into writing' text that would shatter his heart more than it was now

"Everything will be fine George. It's just a misunderstanding. One that hurt them so it'll take time before they can reach out." "Right yeah I know that."

Authors note;
Okay sorry for two sad chapters it's needed promise

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now