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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 2.6'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

"Harry Potter marathon, me in my slytherin pajamas and you in your gryffindor ones." Winnie said standing in George's doorway. The boy stared at his girlfriend a shocked expression on his face.

He had no prior knowledge they were coming over. In fact if he had known he would've cleaned the living area and made sure he had snacks. "Um hi, sure?" He said moving to the side to let the girl inside. They were wearing slytherin pajama pants and a black tank top with a black zip up.

It was pouring outside making the girls blonde hair darker than normal and stuck to their forehead. Water droplets falling over their face. "Great! We'll order dinner and snacks, go get dressed and get the tv ready." Winnie said excited.

They weren't a huge Harry Potter fan compared to George but they did enjoy the movies. However they disliked the books, no reason really just wasn't a fan of the writing. The movies just felt more magical.

George hummed following the girl up the stairs. "I'll be out in a second." He said pecking the girl's forehead making winnie hum and take their jacket off and go over to his couch.

Winnie had been on the phone with Penny when the words "Harry Potter marathon." Was said making winnie think about George and how they hadn't watched the movies in a very long time. And thus lead to winnie sitting on George's couch finding the movies he bought years ago.

After a few minutes George came out of his bedroom gryffindor pajama bottoms on and a white shirt on. "Awe you look so adorable comer." Winnie said making grabbing hands at their boyfriend making him laugh throwing his head back.

However george obliged walking over to the couch and sitting next to his girlfriend. Instantly winnie hugged his side and kissed his cheek. "I haven't seen you in those pants since you were in college being a nerd." Winnie said making George scoff wrapping his arm around the girls waist.

"I wasn't a nerd." He said making winnie snort moving a hand to cover their mouth. "Sure George. And I wasn't utterly obsessed with the color pink." Winnie said making George raise a brow at the girl. "You still are?" "Shut up."

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

The couple had just finished the third movie which happened to be Winnie's favorite movie when the girl yawned. They had moved from sitting on the couch to laying down Winnie's back pressed against George's chest while his arms were wrapped around the girls waist.

The hands messing with the girls bare skin that was showing from her top shifting upwards throughout the movies. "You tired?" He asked lifting his head a little to see the girl. Winnie shook their head No and grabbed the remote to start the fourth movie.

They wanted to finish all the movies before sleeping. But at this rate she was going to pass out. The warmth Georges chest was providing was comforting enough but the added circles on their stomach and pecks to the head was making the girl slowly fall asleep.

"Want to finish the movies." Winnie mumbled yawning again. George smiled down at his girlfriend admiring the way her eyes were half open. Their hair had fallen over their face. George lifted his hand to move the girls hair away making winnie turn their head to look at him.

George's smile got wider leaning down to kiss the girl gently. Winnie welcomed the warm kiss. Winnie turned their body so they were laying on their back. George was basically on top of them by this point, one hand on the girls face while his other was by their side keeping himself lifted.

Whilst winnie had one hand slowly inching towards the boys hair while the other grabbed his arm. Winnie hummed leaning away from a breathless George who had his eyes closed. "Movie George." Winnie said making the boy open his brown eyes narrowing them slightly at the girl under him.

"Winnie." George said making the girl hum their eyes darting back and forth from his eyes to his lips. Winnie wasn't going to let George win. They knew he was trying to distract them so she'll go to sleep instead of watching the movie.

George sighed leaning back down to capture the girls lips in another kiss. This time winnie depend it grabbing his hair and giving a small tug. George pulled away eyes wide staring at the girl. "What? If you're going to try and distract me might as well make it fun." Winnie said making George shake his head.

"Fine. One more movie then we sleep okay?" George said pecking the girls nose. Winnie smiled turning their back towards the boy to push play in the fourth movie. "Okay!"

Later on they couple finished the sixth movie an annoyed George holding onto a happy but tired winnie. In the end the girl had gotten their way and was able to finish all eight movies before the pair retired to George's comfy bed that welcomed them with warmth.

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now