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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.8'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

♥ liked by Winnie222 and 120k othersJackmanifold remembering when winnie refused to look40 minutes ago

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♥ liked by Winnie222 and 120k others
Jackmanifold remembering when winnie refused to look
40 minutes ago

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Winnie222 listen tommy yelled at me:(

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⤷ in reply to— Winnie222
Jackmanifold sure sure that's why🙄
⤷ in reply to— Jackmanifold
Winnie222 I promise !! Ily jack

Georgenotfound wow can't believe you @-winnie222

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⤷ in reply to— Georgenotfound
Winnie222 I hate you. Now come back and watch the movie whore!
⤷ in reply to— Winnie222
Georgenotfound hmm no:]

⋆ ࣪.  ᓚᘏᗢ

Winnie smiled at George who came back from the bathroom phone in hand and a smile on his face. "Did you shit in my bathroom?" They asked making George look up rolling his eyes

"Of course not who do you think I am?" He asked moving his hand to his chest acting hurt. "You're you. However I'm more worried about sapnap doing that." Winnie admitted cringing at the idea of sapnap in her apartment.

Not that she disliked the boy they just didn't care for having people over. There apartment was small and wasn't up to shape mainly cause they are a college student who makes minimum wage.

Whilst George and his friends live in nice places and can afford rent in classier areas. "Yeah probably but I doubt you'd let him come over." George said making winnie shake her thoughts looking over at George who had sat next to the girl on the couch while she wasn't paying attention.

"And you would be right. Anyways I'm pushing okay put your phone away!" Winnie said moving to grab the boys phone since he wasn't paying attention and on it.

Immediately George put his phone above his head making winnie huff. "George." "Winnie." George smirked looking at the girl who seemed to be holding back laughter. Winnie pouted at the boy folding their arms and sitting back. "Twat."

George laughed shaking his head and handing his phone to the girl. "Only cause I know you'd give it back if something happened." George said. Winnie smiled at the boy putting the phone with hers on the table near them out of reach. "And that's why you're my favorite."

"Oh? Not because of my looks? Or my fantastic personality?" George teased leaning closer to the girl catching her off guard. They could feel his breath on the cheek making them turn to look at him.

Instantly all winnie could think about is how close his gave was to hers. Only a few inches keeping their lips from touching. Winnie stared at George's eyes her breath stuck in her throat. George stared back not moving away slightly glancing down at her lips.

Winnie wasn't sure if they moved first or if it was George but it didn't matter their lips lightly touching each others. Winnie watched George's eyes flutter closed just as they were going to follow the boys action a phone ringing pulled the two apart.

Instantly George jumped back cheeks flushed a dark pink scratching his neck. "Um could you see whose phone that is?" George said making Winnie's eyes widen nodding they turned to check the phones.

It was George's. Dream was calling him making Winnie curse the boy and herself in their head. "Oh it's yours and it's dream." Winnie said handing the George his phone trying to catch his eyes to see where his thoughts were. "Thanks I'll be right back." George said hastily getting up and rushing to her bathroom.

"What is wrong with you?" George said instantly answering the phone. "What is wrong with you?" Dream said Jack offended. "I told you I was watching a movie with Winnie." George said wanting nothing more than to hang up on dream and go back to winnie.

Dream huffed rolling his eyes at his friend even though George couldn't see him. "So? I'm not allowed to call to ask a question?" Dream stated making George sigh and hang up on dream turning his phone on silent.

George looked up in the mirror seeing the way his cheeks were still flushed from the interaction. It was just the heat of the moment. George thought to himself. No way it meant anything. Right? George groaned putting his head down, I want it to have meant something. Fuck.

Winnie sat in the same position george had left her in. They didn't know what to think. Her best friend of many years had almost kissed her. Why did they want to kiss him. Why can't she stop thinking of his chapped lips meeting hers on the couch.

George came back putting his shoes on. "I've got to go dream needs me for some video and says it has to be done tonight. Rain check?" George asked walking over to winnie a frown on his lips.

Winnie looked up putting a fake smile on. "Yeah of course! I get it. Have fun." Winnie said standing up and hugging the boy. They felt him tense up for a second. As she went to pull away feeling awkward George wrapped his arms around her waist resting his head on theirs.

"Promise I'll be able to watch the movie soon, maybe tomorrow night?" George said into her hair. They smelt of coconut and strawberries making him relish it. "Yeah after my study session with daxton." Winnie agreed pulling away smiling.

George smiled back nodding his head. "Okay, I'll text you. Night." George said petting Winnie's hair making the girl groan slapping his hand away. "Night twat." They replied watching George wave bye and shut their door.

After a few minutes making sure George wasn't outside the door winnie grabbed a pillow from the couch yelling into it. They have never felt so conflicted with their feelings towards George. They were just friends. So why does she want to kiss him or hold hands all of a sudden. This isn't good.

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