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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.14'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

The whole walk home Winnie couldn't help but giggle. Not only did they make a new friend but their new friend happened to love George but the friend didn't know Winnie knew George as more than a streamer. It was gold. So much so Winnie couldn't wait to tell George and see his reaction.

"Honey I'm home!" Winnie yelled walking into George's house catching the boy off guard. Thankfully he had his microphone muted to eat something or else Karl's stream would've heard the girl. "Hey, I'm on Karl's stream." George said making Winnie's eyes widen.

Winnie pulled a chair up next to George's and sat down making a zipper action over their mouth as if to say 'my lips are sealed' George laughed shaking his head at the girls idiotic actions unmuting himself to talk to Karl and Tina.

The girl sat in silence listening to George's side of the conversations seeing as though George hadn't set up his splitter and given her the other headphones forgetting he could do that. Winnie held back laughter when George would rage at losing a round.

Every time Winnie would release a shaky breath from holding back laughter George would slightly turn his head to her and smile looking back at his monitor his smile never leaving his lips. He'd forgotten how relaxing it was to have them next to him. Even if it was just in silence. Their presence was relaxing and calm.

Times like this makes George regret ever pushing her away. Though he really meant no harm. He thought that it would be better on the girls mental health if his chat and friends didn't know her. So that hater and trolls couldn't nitpick everything they did. Talk about the girls flaws or the way they talk.

Or even his biggest fear dox her to the internet. Making their own small apartment unsafe. It was already unsafe but he was tired of arguing to what seemed like a wall about it. But he didn't know what he'd do if Winnie got hurt because of himself putting her out there on the internet where people would take advantage of the girl.

These thoughts kept George from spending his every waking moment with the girl when he wasn't streaming. He'd for sure get caught going out with them whether it's to the mall for clothes or even their own job. He's sure to be seen and put the girl on blast. So instead he pushed them away.

Pushed them so far away they barley hung out. He only ever asked her to hangout because his mother would yell at him about how much she missed Winnie and needed to see the girl again. But lately he can't seem to get himself to push Winnie away.

Instead he's caught himself pulling them closer if that was possible. Attempting to make them be on his streams when he could've gotten someone else to fill it. Instead he'd text her to join him and his friends. He wanted Winnie to be seen. He wanted Winnie to be there with him. He was being selfish and he knew it.

However if he'd just tell Winnie his thoughts he'd see their point of view. Winnie loved being with George. Whether it was just sitting in discord with him to keep him company while he edited a video. Or sitting at his house watching him steam as they were doing right now.

They didn't care what hater said about them hanging out. Granted they did have a breakdown over the comments only a day ago. But they were weak then. Now they aren't. At least that's what they were going to tell themselves. They didn't want George to worry about them and distance himself thinking they couldn't handle being in the spotlight.

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now