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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.15'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

George pulled away from winnie quickly catching the girl off guard. Her lips still partly opened. George jumped off the couch backing away slowly his eyes focused on the ground. "G-George?" Winnie asked her voice shaking and come out whisper like. George's eyes locked with hers his brown eyes wide and full of worry.

Winnie frowned. Did he regret it? Was all she could ask herself looking at the boy who so quickly jumped away. "Geor-" "we shouldn't have done that." George interrupted her making Winnie's mouth stay agape. Blinking back tears winnie nodded. "Right. You're always so right Davidson." Winnie mumbled scoffing and standing up heading toward the stairs.

"Where are you going?" George asked following the girl feeling guilty. "Home. I'm clearly not wanted here." Winnie relied not giving the boy a second glance. They quickly put their shoes on biting back the tears that threatened to spill any second.

George reached out grabbing her shoulder and turning them around to face him. "Don't. George don't." Winnie said voice choking back the sob. George's eyes went soft his mouth downturned. "Winnie please don't g-" "DONT! GEORGE PLEASE JUST DONT. I CANT- I-I CANT OKAY I JUST NO."

Winnie yanked themselves away from George's grasp and turned around pulling his door open and left making sure they shut the door in his face. Their eye sight was blurred by the falling tears as they speed walked home wanting nothing more than to curl up under their bed and sleep for the rest of their life.

What were they thinking kissing George. They should've pulled away when it happened it's only going to push the two far away after just becoming good again. "Fuck." Winnie mumbled feeling their phone drop onto the concrete sidewalk.

Huffing she bent down picking it up ignore the text's messages from George and two missed calls. They wanted nothing to do with him right now. If they were to call them they'd just make the friendship worse than it already was. Friendship if you could even consider it that anymore after that kiss.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

After an hour of walking the girl was infront of her apartment door. She put her head on their door hitting it repeatedly. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Monica asked from her spot on the floor next to the girls door. Winnie screamed backing away almost falling over.

"How- when- why?" Was all winnie could choke out making Monica raise a brow. "It's movie night? Plus we need to finish our conversation from earlier. Dax with be here in about, now." Monica said pointing to the boy who just walked into the building. "Hey sluts! Woah what happened to you?" Dax asked pausing when he saw winnie.

Winnie groaned wanting to curse the universe. Quickly winnie unlocked their door leaving it open as she passed their friends and ran to their room jumping on their bed. After a couple minutes Monica and Dax entered the room sitting on the edge of the girls bed.

"So want to explain why you were repeatedly hitting your head on the door while crying?" Monica asked nonchalantly making winnie scream into her mattress. Dax rubbed the girls back knowing how they felt. "We're here for you babe." Dax said making winnie look up at them.

Winnie sucked in the air feeling embarrassed. "George and I kissed." Winnie said making Dax clap excited while Monica's expression stayed the same calm one. "Doesn't explain why you were crying." She said making winnie frown shoving their face back into the mattress.

"He said we shouldn't have done that. Meaning he regretted the kiss now our friendship is ruined." Winnie mumbled into the pillow. Monica sighed joining Dax on rubbing the girls back again. "Boys suck so much. You're no exception" Monica said pointing at Dax who scoffed.

Winnie hummed lifting their head up and looking over at their friends. "Was it a good kiss?" Dax asked sending the girl a soft smile. The blonde frowned. "Unfortunately yes. I just wish he didn't regret it ya know." Winnie said making the pair nod at her words.

"Maybe he didn't like regret it? But like was scared you would or it would ruin the friendship so he just said word vomit." Monica said making winnie purse her lips. "I don't think so. I mean George doesn't express many emotions so I don't seem him quote on quote word vomiting." Winnie said making Monica roll her eyes.

Dax laughed getting up and leaving the room. "Don't cry over a useless boy. Cry over fictional boys. That it's the only reason we should cry." Monica said making winnie huff putting their head back into the mattress wanting it to swallow her whole right about now.

"You only have vanilla ice cream. This is a real crime I'm going to have to call the authorities on you." Dax said coming back into the room with a bowel and three spoons. "I've been needing to go shopping shut up." Winnie said sitting up and grabbing the bowel and a spoon.

Monica shook her head at the two grabbing their own spoon and taking a bit of the ice cream. "It taste nice to me." Monica said shrugging. Dax gasped putting his hand over his chest dramatically. "You wound me mon, I thought you were better than this. I'm divorcing you." Dax said making Monica raise a brow.

"I'm only married to Kyo from fruits basket so I have no clue what you are divorcing." She said making winnie laugh. At times like these winnie was greatful for these two, they didn't know where they'd be without Monica and Dax there to cheer them up or just be there. "I'm married to him as well.. weird.." winnie said making Monica glare at her "so you're the other woman!?!?"

Authors note;
Here's a badly edited photo of the couple. I got lazy it was like my fifth edit for my ocs X there so's 😖

 I got lazy it was like my fifth edit for my ocs X there so's 😖

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