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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 2.7'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

Monica stared at Winnie and George wishing dax could get to the dinner quicker. Winnie had begged the group to have dinner with them and George just so they could slowly enter George into the friend group.

Winnie smiled resting their head on George's shoulder. The brown eyed boy smiled looking down at his girlfriend whom was smiling talking to Monica. They were stood outside of the restaurant waiting for the very late Dax.

"He should've been here twenty minutes ago. I'm going to choke him." Monica said making Winnie sigh. "Didn't know you hated me that much." Dax said appearing next to the dark haired girl who gasped hitting his shoulder.

Winnie and George laughed at the duo making Monica blush and glare at Dax who was holding his shoulder and pouting. "Now I will choke you." Monica said making Dax shrug and smile at the couple.

"George! Pal! Buddy! So lovely to see you on this fine night!" Dax said making Winnie roll their eyes at her dramatic friend. "Uh hey." George said rubbing his neck with his free hand.

Dax smiled and turned around to walk into the restaurant. Huffing Monica followed him grumbling about ways to kill him and hide his body. Winnie chuckled turning to George slowly. "Just a fair warning they are crazy and have no filter." Winnie said making George nod.

He'd met the pair before and had asked for help on Winnie but he never really spent an hour or more with them in person. It was mainly over text asking about Winnie. To say he was nervous was an understatement.

The boy was sweating and radiating nervousness. Anyone could see it. The couple followed after Monica hearing said girl curse Dax out for flirting with the hostess. "Shut the fuck up dax you annoying shit." Monica said slapping the boys shoulder again.

Dax whined grabbing it again and look over to the couple. "See what I put up with?" Dax said making George look back and forth between the pair. Monica glared at him daring him to say anything to agree with dax. Where Dax was practically begging George to agree with him.

Instead george shook his head chuckling. That seemed to please Monica who grinned turning to Dax who sighed. "If you guys are ready to be seated I can take you." A nice lady said catching the groups attention. "Oh yes! Sorry ignore my friends they don't see the public much." Winnie said tugging hers and George's interlaced hands to follow the lady.

The group sat down at a booth Winnie sitting next to George where Monica and Dax sat together. Not after much complaining from Monica begging Winnie to sit with her. Over the past years of Winnie and Monica being friends George could tell they were inseparable.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" The lady asked handing the menus to everyone making them smile. "I'll just have water." Winnie said making everyone but Dax agree. "Red whine please." He said catching the eye of the group. "What? George's paying might as well splurge."

Winnie scoffed shaking their head at their friends words. It was true George had offered to pay but that didn't mean Dax should splurge. "I'll be back with the drinks." The lady said sensing an argument brewing between the trio.

"Listen here shit face. Just cause my boyfriend has money and kindly offered to pay doesn't mean you splurge!" Winnie said making Monica agree. George laughed shaking his head at the girls. "Guys it's fine splurge all you want, I really don't mean to be that person but I can afford some red wine."

Winnie glared at her boyfriend making George hum and kiss their forehead. "I love him, Winnie are you sure you want him? I'll take him off your hands." Dax said making Winnie throw their napkin at the boy who screamed and dodged it.

Monica laughed putting their head on the table to muffle it. "You are a royal cunt you know that?" Winnie said making Dax scoff. "Says you. You complain over the dumbest shit Winnie. 'No don't watch glee without me Dax!' 'Don't splurge at dinner with my boyfriend Dax!'"

Winnie sighed leaning back into the booth. "He got you there, you're very dramatic babe." Monica said lifting their head only to get George's napkin thrown at her by Winnie. George complained about his napkin being gone making Winnie stick their tongue out at him.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

The group walked out into the cold air. The breeze hitting Winnie making her clutch their jacket closer. "This has been great! Thanks for paying daddy George." Dax said patting George's shoulder who pulled away cringing. "Please don't call me that." George whined making Dax grin.

"Whatever you say daddy George, we'll I should head home it's late and I have a date with my neighbor." Dax said humming to himself making Winnie and Monica gasp turning to the boy. "You're fucking Michael?!" Monica asked making Dax raise a brow.

The boy could've sworn he told his best friends. "Didn't I tell you guys last week? He came over for tea and ending up having sex with me. Now we do it every Saturday." Dax said proudly making George cringe again. "No shit! Wow I'm so proud of you!" Winnie said clapping.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'll text you the details later. Goodnight whores!" Dax said waving bye making the girls wave back. "I'm so shocked right now." Monica said making Winnie nod. "Never thought he'd get Michael, bros a two and Dax is maybe a seven." Winnie said making Monica laugh.

George sighed stuffing his hands in his jacket. He really wished he brought gloves with him. He tended to forget how cold it gets during winter in London. "Do you want to come over to mine and watch glee and do face masks?" Winnie asked Monica making the dark haired girl nod profusely.

Winnie laughed grabbing Monica's hand and turning to George. "Would you care to join us Davidson?" Winnie asked making George hum and look back and forth between Monica and Winnie. Monica didn't seem opposed to having said boy at the girls night.

"If it's alright with both of you then yeah I'd join." George said making Winnie nod and turn to Monica who pretended to think about it. "I don't care as long as he wears a face mask." Monica said smirking making George sigh. "Alright."

With those words the girls pulled him towards Winnie's loft that wasn't far away from the restaurant. Entering the house Winnie sighed at how warm it was.

The girls running to the bathroom to grab the face masks and going back to the living whispering to each other. "Why do I feel like you guys are plotting against me?" George asked making Winnie smile. "No reason love!"

However there was a reason. The pair had secretly agreed to give George the pink unicorn face mask while the other two wore a green peel off mask. George groaned looking in the mirror at his reflection. Winnie had used one of their hair bands to keep his hair out of the face mask way and he had a pink unicorn mask on

The trio sat on Winnie's couch watching glee. The girls singing alone to songs and George laughing recording them when they got up reenacting a scene from the show. If Winnie had wanted this night to end with George apart of the group she had succeeded. George was now apart of the trio forever.

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