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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.7'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

George laid in his bed, it was the night after his stream with winnie, or rather he should say when he was told his friend thought he was attractive and liked the idea of friends to lovers. To say George had been overthinking it had been an understatement.

He didn't know why it had him overthinking every little thing Winnie had said to him or done. It had him in bed brows furrowed lip tugged between his teeth frustration filling his eyes. Dream had told him not to overthink it. They could've been messing around.

But for some reason George just couldn't believe that. He couldn't see his winnie joking about something like that. Sure he'd thought she was an attractive person more than once but to think of them going from friends to lovers was a stretch.

I mean yes he'd stared at their lips a few times and wondered what it felt like against his own but he always blamed that on his hormones and nothing to do with feelings for the girl.

Shaking his head, George sat up putting his head on his hands rubbing his face. No way could he think of Winnie this way. It'd ruin their friendship and he couldn't have that. They just got close again and he finally convinced Winnie to join his streams.

"What is wrong with me?" George murmured getting up to put shoes on and grabbing his jacket key and phone leaving his apartment abruptly having one place in mind.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

It was nine pm at night. The girl had just gotten off her late shift jumping onto their couch with a yawn. All they could think about was sleep and how much they needed it at this point. Feet sore from walking around and collecting books people left out.

Just as Winnie let her mind wander off to dreamland, a knock interrupted them. If winnie could murder with looks whoever was on the otherside of her door would drop dead. Roughly pulling the door open Winnie went to curse whoever it was but stopped when she noticed it was just george.

"George? What are you doing here so late?" They asked opening the door more to let the boy shuffle in. He did just that heading to their couch the same way the girl did not even ten minutes ago.

Winnie huffed, shutting the door and locking it, having a feeling the boy wouldn't go home tonight scratch that they wouldn't let him. It was too late for him to walk home or even catch a ride home.

"Are you going to mope around on my couch or tell me what's wrong?" Winnie asked, making George look over at them a sigh leaving his lips. "What did you mean when you said you like friends to lovers?" George asked, being blunt catching winnie off guard.

The girl hummed, taking her hair down and relaxing at the tension that left her head at the action. "I was joking, however it is a good trope in books, that and fake dating." Winnie said, yawning a little, making George's shoulders deflate with a little bit of relief and sadness.

Sadness cause he thought maybe just maybe there was more to their little friendship but he'd never admit that to anyone not even himself. "Oh yeah i guess that makes sense, you think i'm attractive?" he asked changing the subject causing winnie to laugh.

"Is that why you're in a slump? Because I called you attractive? If you want me to call you ugly you can't just ask, you know." they said covering their mouth as another yawn slipped through.

George embarrassedly opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water making the girl laugh. "N-no! I just was curious that's all." he responded, shoving their shoulders making winnie laugh harder. "Okay sure, yes you're attractive but you should know this from your fans who drool over you." Winnie said honestly, shrugging their shoulders when George's eyes widened.

"Oh, well um i think you're attractive too, i mean not like i'd date you but like you're pretty i guess." George said, rambling over his words, making Winnie smirk. "You guess?" they teased making George stumble over his words again. Waving their hand while laughing Winnie shook their head "im kidding! Thanks george."

The two sat in silence looking anywhere but at each other. "Well since you interrupted my sleep i'm going to bed, you can have the couch i'll be in mine knock if im needed.'' Winnie said, making George nod. "Night georgie." Winnie said, walking away. "Night win." 

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now