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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 1.3'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

School. Something winnie dreaded with all their heart. The way students would mess off and talk to others while the teacher spoke or the way teachers were disrespectful to most students who minded their own business unless needed.

Winnie didn't want to be in university in fact if she could they wouldn't be going to school and would stay at home everyday. But unfortunately to become a teacher she needed to go to university and listen on and on about things she wouldn't need for the future nor did they care about them.

Sighing winnie listened to their professor talking about math, one ear was occupied with headphones as always, they only way to get them through the day was music or they'd probably die in class.

However today a call interrupted her music making winnie frown looking at her phone. 'George' appeared on their screen making the girl roll her eyes. He knew she was at school, at least they think they told him their schedule...

Answering the phone winnie leaned back in her chair thankful they sat in the very back with only one or two students near them. "What's up im in class." They whispered writing down notes to not seem suspicious.

"Oh my bad I forgot, um I can call back later if you want?" George said messing with his sleeves feeling bad for interrupting the girl at school. George knew if he'd been the one in class he'd get upset with them. "No it's fine, class should be over in tenish minutes." Winnie responded.

George sighed in relief. "Okay so Quackity one of my internet friends is here in London and I was wondering if you'd be willing to come and meet him and hang out with us maybe tomorrow?" George asked feeling hopeful.

Quackity sat infront of the boy watching how nervous he was to ask his supposed childhood bestfriend. The boy watched his friend mess with his sleeves waiting for the girls response on the other side of the phone. "Sure why not, what time?" Winnie hummed packing up since class was over.

They'd have to call out of work but winnie didn't mind that, her boss wouldn't mind with how much winnie works normal and never asks for time off. "Oh um, Quackity what time? 3? Okay that's fine. Um 3pm just come to my house and we'll go from there yeah?"

Winnie smiled walking to the bus stop not far from her university. "Alright, see you tomorrow George, can't wait to meet your friend." With those words winnie hung up hearing her music start up again the girl hummed waiting for the bus nervous but excited for tomorrow.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

Tomorrow came a lot quicker than any had expected. Winnie rushed to get ready over sleeping as usual. Grabbing their keys they drove off to her friends house nervous bubbles erupting in her chest scared this person named Quackity would hate her.

George heard the knocks snapping his head over to Quackity who wore a smile. "Go open the door idiot." Quackity said noticing how George didn't move. Nodding George left to open the door smiling at winnie who smiled back.

They had recently touched up the blonde in their hair. George liked the blonde but loved her natural hair color however he'd never tell them that. "Hi." Winnie said making George sigh. "Hi, Quackitys up there." He said pointing to the living room making winnie chuckle.

"I figured." Pushing past George winnie walked up the stairs seeing Quackity instantly. He was prettier than she imagined. He had a darker skin tone but not extremely dark, some moles on his face that just fit him perfectly and his eyes were a dark brown and looked inviting, he wore a black beanie on his dark hair.

Smiling winnie pushed a hand out the boy who smiled at her. "Hi I'm winnie, George's friend i grew up with him and can tell you many stories about him. Also my pronouns are she, they just in case you wanted to know." They said making Quackitys nod shaking their hand.

"Hi I'm Alex or Quackity, I am also George's friend, I did not grow up with him but I also have stories about him. Nice to know your pronouns mine are he, him." Quackity or Alex said making winnie nod.

George watched the two a smile on his face happy they seem to be getting along. "I always have to tell my pronouns or else I feel bad when people find out from my Instagram." Winnie said making the boys laugh. She smiled standing proud at herself.

"I like her more than you George." Quackity said making winnie smirk turning towards said boy. "Hear that I'm replacing you ha!" Winnie said making George roll his eyes but had a smile on his face. "Yeah okay keep dreaming."

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝- 𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now