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'𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 2.3'
𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──◍───── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ➛

"How's George?" George's mom asked winnie who was sat on the phone with the older woman. "He's good! He's been busy working but he tries to come over as often as he can." Winnie said humming to an mxmtoon song.

The older Davidson woman sighed in relief. "I'm so happy for you two. Really. Couldn't have asked for anyone better." Mrs. Davidson said making winnie smile. "And I couldn't ask for a better future mother in law. You've always been such a loving mother figure to me." Winnie said honestly.

The lady chuckled putting the phone on speaker so she could finish cooking dinner for her family. "I'm honored. Really winnie, you're the best person out there for George. Get him to call me alright? I've got to finish dinner."

Winnie hummed saying a faint goodbye and hung up leaning back in their chair. They didn't deserve Mrs. Davidson, actually scratch that the world didn't deserve Mrs. Davidson. And that was just a fact winnie would fight anyone on.

A notification pulled winnie out of their thoughts look at their phone. They smiled at it knowing they had nothing better to do so they opened twitch in their pc and pulled the stream up that her phone had kindly notified them of.

"Georgenotfound went live: streaming 'minecraft with dream and sapnap' "

Winnie watched the stream load in, they didn't have ads seeing as they spent their prime on their boyfriends twitch. Thought she'd never admit it to him and lie saying a fan gifted it. Her boyfriends voice filled the headphones they were wearing.

He was talking to sapnap about building a new house someone in the little world they started. Winnie hummed watching the pair fight. Something that was so uncommon. Even off stream the pair would fight over dumb things then be fine within seconds, honestly it drained winnie to even think about it.

"Chats saying winnie is watching." Dream pointed out making George glance at chat and smile. "Hi Winnie!" Sapnap said making the girl chuckle typing a chat a small hi. "Winnie join vc join vc join vc!" Dream chanted making sapnap join him.

Winnie shook their head at the boys antics seeing which vc and server they were in. Thankfully it was one they'd been invited to, thanks to George. Taking a deep breath the girl clicked on the channel joining the call.

It's not that being on George's stream filled the girl with anxiety, no it was the fact today he had more than 30k viewers. That filled winnie with great anxiety. One wrong move and they'd all turn against her, like last time.

"Winnie!" Dream said making the girl laugh. "Dream!" Winnie said the same teasing tone in their voice that dream had mere moments ago. "Hi Winnie." George said making winnie hum as a response.

The couple were trying to be discreet with their relationship, not that they were hiding it from the public just that they didn't need to be lovey dovey on stream. Which meant that flirting was off limits to winnie.

"Are you going to join us in playing minecraft?" Sapnap asked making winnie sigh. "No thanks, I'll just chill out in vc with you guys till I get bored." Winnie said making dream scoff. "You won't get bored! We aren't boring." Dream said matter of factly.

Winnie laughed shaking their head while laughing. "Yeah okay. Give it like an hour and I'll be leaving to sleep." Winnie said yawning. George laughed smiling at his girlfriend still being tired after sleeping for at least twelve hours.

"How are you still tired? Didn't you sleep twelve hours?" George asked making winnie scoff. "Not the literal sloth telling me I sleep to much. George you sleep at least 20 hours a day." Winnie said making George roll his eyes.

It was an on going bit between George's community and friends that he sleeps more than he should. It wasn't a complete lie but it was exaggerated a lot. He slept a decent amount but not over the top, plus his schedule is synced with dream who lives in America making it so geirge slept during the day.

Unless he had plans with Winnie, which of course had happened a lot more since they started dating. "Whatever." He said choosing not to argue with his girlfriend who'd win in the end. "Hm. I'm bored." Winnie said making sapnap laugh.

⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ

♥ liked by dreamwastaken and 34k othersWinnie222 exhausted but stream fuK u lol by corpse15 minutes ago

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♥ liked by dreamwastaken and 34k others
Winnie222 exhausted but stream fuK u lol by corpse
15 minutes ago

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Corpsehusband vaild🖤

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⤷ in reply to— corpsehusband
Winnie222 🖤🖤

Georgenotfound pretty

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⤷ in reply to— georgenotfound
Winnie222 thank you <3

⤷ in reply to— georgenotfound
Dreamwastaken simp

⤷ in reply to— georgenotfound
User1 are you guys dating????
⤷ in reply to— user1
User2 I think so!

Monicabun marry me rn 💍🧎🏻‍♀️

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⤷ in reply to— Monicabun
Winnie222 of course my love 😚
⤷ in reply to— winnie222
Georgenotfound 😐

Authors note:
Made a tiktok about Monica and winnie, if you want to see it my tiktok is honeydrexm :)

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