Part 1

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Since the day Kurt has practically vanished from earth Blaine felt alone. Sure he made new friends at the new school but they weren't Kurt.
That was the moment he realized he likes boys and not boys but Kurt. It was hard to get over Kurt but not as hard as his coming out.
He always thought that his parents are just a bit strict and they still love him but his coming out proved him wrong.
Blaine started to build up walls around him, pushing most people out of his life.

If Kurt looks back, a lot changed in his life.
Since his mother passed when Kurt was only 8 because of cancer it was always him and his father Burt.
Times were rough, not only for Kurt and what he's been going through but also for Burt who got lucky to meet a wonderful woman, Carol. They got married and with his new step-mother Kurt got a step-brother.
At first they didn't really like each other but since Finn protected his brother from bullies, who went after Kurt because he's openly gay, they are good and love each other like siblings do.

Finally the time arrives. High school. Kurt, who has been homeschooled in middle school is probably more exited to go to a real school again than anyone else is exited for the school year to start.
His brother, who should take care of him at school told him several rumors he heard. Rumors about which clubs there are to sign in, who should sit where in the cafeteria and about the people. There are the jocks, the Cheerios and a bad boy. Kurt decided to ignore these rumors because they're just rumors after all. Aren't they?

Other than Kurt, Blaine isn't exited at all for high school. He hardly got through middle school, probably because he skipped half of his classes but he doesn't intend of doing it differently on high school.

It's the first day of high school and one of the first things Kurt want to do with his brother is to look at the black board for school clubs.

Just last week Kurt had a big discussion with his dad and step mom if he should do after school activities. Fortunately for Kurt they agreed on letting him do one thing as long as Finn is with him.

Kurt loves singing so he doesn't has to think twice before signing him and his brother in for auditions of the glee club. Finn who loves sport as much as singing also signs up for the football tryouts which are a day after the audition.

On his way to the auditorium later that day, after his classes, his mind is all with his song. He'll sing I'm still here and he choosed it because the lyrics mean a lot to him.
Completely in his mind he runs into another person who falls on the floor. "Can't you look where you're going?!?" This person complains loudly and without seeing the person the voice belongs to, he knows it's a familiar voice. A voice he heard before and a voice which he always loved to hear.
He turns around to apologize but freezes once he sees who he bumped into. The boy sitting on the floor is non other than his former best friend Blaine Anderson in his bad boy leather jacket.

Kurt haven't seen him since four years and since he knew he will go to high school he tried to ignore the rumors about Blaine being the bad boy everyone talks about. But now this rumor turns out to be true, even if Kurt still can't believe it.

Kurt wants to open his mouth, still wanting to apologize, but no words come out of his mouth as the bad boy turns around and Kurt looks in a pair of hazel eyes.

Blaine too couldn't believe who he run into. He doesn't believe his eyes as his meet the ocean ones belonging to the other boy. Could this really be Kurt Hummel?
As he were never gone Blaine could still get lost in these eyes but gets interrupted by a strict voice calling him. "Anderson! You should be in detention at this very moment!" Principal Figgins calls across the hallway, his eyes pinned on the bad boy. His principals voice brings Blaine back to reality. He stands up and goes to detention, not looking back to a confused and lost looking Kurt.

The whole detention he couldn't think about something else than what just happened. Questions floating through his mind.
Why is he back? He was gone and now he's back like nothing happened? Where has he been all these years anyway?

After what just happened and who he met Kurt tried to do his best at his audition. Sure, everyone gets accepted in the glee club but he wanted to show what he can and not just get in because everyone who auditions does.
"You we're awesome on that stage" Finn compliments his brother, hugging him proudly. Of course Finn got also in the glee club and both will attend it weekly, starting next week and starting with get to know the other members.
The only thing left for Finn is to pass his football tryout tomorrow.

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