Part 2

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Since Kurt and Finn drive to school and home together every day, Kurt has to wait for his brother as he has his tryout only on the second day of school.
It's no big deal for Kurt. He likes to watch his brother, even tho he's not interested in sports, and wishes him good luck.
To have a good look on his brothers he sits on the bleachers. At some point it got so hot up there in the burning summer sun that Kurt stands up and escapes the sun by going under the bleachers. Down there he not only finds shadow from the sun but also a certain bad boy.
Blaine Anderson stands under the bleachers, lightening a cigarette. "Hey" Kurt greets his former best friend, ignoring the cigarette smoke as good as possible. "What do you want Hummel?" The bad boy asks unimpressed, not even looking at the other boy.
"Last name basis huh?" Kurt asks, trying to lighten the mood but the other boy shrugs. Kurt asks further "What are you doing here?". "Riding a unicorn" Blaine says sarcastically but as he glances over to Kurt he adds "I have detention". "Then why are you out here Blaine?" The other boy asks curiously. "It's Anderson for you. Like for everyone else. And I don't know why you care so much but I never go. Yesterday I was just stupid enough to get caught." The bad boy explains coldly. That coldly that for Kurt it feels like the only warm is the smoke of the cigarette in Blaines hand.
'Anderson' it echoes in Kurts head over and over again. What happened to this boy? Had his former best friend really changed that much? Sure a lot happened in the past but Blaine was such an adorable human being with a great personality. The person standing in front Kurt now is not the Blaine he knew. This Blaine in his leather jacket and the cigarette is cold as ice or even colder.
"What happened to you Blaine?" Kurt asks before thinking but he can't hold this question for himself longer. Blaine shrugs, then faces Kurt "I could ask you the same. Wait- I don't want to listen to your excuses and why you let me alone.".
Before Kurt could get the chance to reply before the bad boy turns around again. "Just stay the fuck away from me. I moved on and you did the same. There's nothing for us to hold on from each other" Blaine mutters before he let go of the cigarette, steps it out and walks away.
That night Kurt didn't sleep well. He couldn't stop thinking about Blaine and how much he changed. When they talked earlier that day it sounded like Blaine blames him for everything. Blaine blames him for what he became.
If only Blaine knew the truth. If only he knew why Kurt left him alone.
Turns out that Blaine really didn't want to talk to Kurt. They stayed in distance the entire week and didn't talk or even look at each other.
It looks like the bad boy really moved on and didn't care about Kurt anymore and Kurt knows that he has to accept it even if he still cares about Blaine. He's curious about what happened and worried about who he is now.
It's the end of the week, Friday, and Kurts thoughts about. Blaine gets carried away by his thoughts about Glee practice.
It's only the first week but Kurt already has enemies. Guess that's life when you're openly gay but since he's almost the whole time with his brother he doesn't get hurt. The worst happened so far are being called names or being shoved into lockers once or twice when Finn wasn't looking.
Since Kurts last class wasn't the same as Finns and Kurt had to stop by at his locker, he now walks to Glee practice on his own.
"Where are you going Freak?" Kurt hears a voice behind him. Knowing that this voice belongs to Karovski he turns around to see named boy walking in his direction with another boy named Azemio. Like before he gets shoved in a locker by one of these two boys, hoping that they would just walk away now like always. But this time with no Finn around to help him they seem stronger. "We geared that you tried to talk to Anderson. Tell us, are you feeling brave or are you just dumb? Especially without your brother" Karovski says with a stupid grin on this face but Kurt just tries to ignore them. Big mistake. "We're talking to you Lady Face!" Now Azemio says a bit louder, coming closer to Kurt at the same time. "And I am not reacting" Kurt answer dry but confident, without knowing where this confidence comes from. His answer made the jocks only more aggressive.
Instead of only getting shoved in the locker again, that grab Kurt by his new designer jacket and punch him in the face for a start.
Next thing Kurt feels, except of the numbing pain floating his body, is h lying on the ground with the two bullies kicking him in the stomach.
When Blaine walks through the hallways of the school, escaping detention as always he hears a sound. When he looks around the corner the noises come from he witnesses the whole scene. Without checking who the victim is he walks straight in the direction of the bullies, feeling his blood boil in his veins. "Hey!" He says loud so Karovski and Azemio would turn around.
Said boys do so and immediately stop what they were doing. Sure Blaine is alone but he sure knows how to fight and the two other boys knew that.
Now alone the very angry expression of Blaines face and the way he stands in front of them, his hands are fists ready to punch someone if needed.
When the bad boy takes a moment to look who's the person on the ground he feels even more protective than before. He wants to be mad at Kurt. He really does but right now it's important that he don't get hurted more. "Leave. Him. Alone." Blaine says hardly but very quiet, making the boys realize that he holds himself together and the best would be go.
The two boys run away and Blaine gives his attention to Kurt who has his back turned to him, realizing that he's crying quietly. "Stop crying Hummel" the bad boys says, trying to sound as cold as possible but deep down he hates to see him cry. He feels sorry for him and wants to make him stop cry because it breaks his own heart.
He can't hate Kurt, no matter how hard he's trying. But on the other hand he can't let his guard down. Not yet and probably not ever.
Before doing something else the bad boy checks if he's alone with Kurt, which he is, and kneels down to the other boy to take a better look at him. Kurt had calmed down a bit but not fully.
"Are you hurt?" Blaine asks, staying on distance. "I- I don't know" Kurts voice is still very shaky and he makes no move to face the bad boy. Blaine sighs "Look at me" and to his luck Kurt turns around. Blaines eyes wander from a black eye, to a cracked lip and lower to Kurts hand, holding his upper stomach in pain. "You should see a doctor" Blaine says, sounding a bit cooler again but realizes that he won't archive anything when he's that way to Kurt.
"No. I'm fine" Kurt says but as he tries to stand up with both hands, he groans, reaching with his hand to his rips again. "Come on. I'll help you to my car and drive you to the hospital. I really think a doctor should take a look at this." Blaine says but before he can come near Kurt the boy shakes his head "No!".
Just as the bad boy wants to convince the other boy he hears footsteps, followed by a voice "Get the hell away from my brother Anderson!". It's Finn searching for his brother, who got of course the wrong expression from what he sees. What else should he think when the bad boy and a beaten up Kurt stand alone in a hallway?
Ready to beat the hell out of the bad boy, Finn walks to the two boys but his brother stops him before he could do anything "No Finn. It wasn't Blaine- Sorry, Anderson. Karovski and Azemio did this. Anderson helped me.". "I also wanted to take him to a doctor but he won't let me. I think a doctor should take a look at him" Blaine explains. The tall boy nods understanding "I got it from here on. You go and do whatever you du usually. I'll take care of my brother.".
Without saying another word the bad boy turns around and leaves, giving the two brothers space.
"I agree with him" Finn says as soon as Blaine was gone "Let's take you to the hospital and on the way we call Burt and Mom". "Okay" Kurt gives in hesitantly and goes with his brother to his car.

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