Chapter 5

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Jamie's point of veiw

"Hi"Jason said friendly

"Hi, you decide you need me and say sorry?" I say stobernally

"Yes" he says which shocks me, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He said in a shy nice friend like way.

"I forgive you" which I could tell I shocked him "your a good friend and thanks to what you did I got to talk to the new kid his name is Cris and he's really nice you should meat with him some time!"

"We'll thanks and ill try" the bell rings,"we'll see ya, bye."

"Bye" I say then we go our separate way to our classes.

After school I walked home and when I got to the street I almost got hit on I felt like I was being watch, again. This time I looked a little longer then before then I saw it, or I should say him, it was Cris!

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