Chapter 52

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"Maeve?" I looked closer. "Maeve! What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm bringing you to my land." She said with an evil smile on her face.

"I thought you were my friend." I said looking her in the eyes.

"You fool! I only talked to you so I could know your secrets, hide out, and stuff like that. I never really was your friend, wow, you really are desperate." She said looking me in disgust.

The vampires closest to me grabbed my arms. At first I struggled, but then I looked at Maeve and she was evilly smiling, and I stopped struggling and for a second I was in shock.

"Jamie!" I herd before they took me away. I turned to see who calling my name, it was Cris.

"Cris, help me." I said quietly, I started to tear up. I looked back at Meave, she had a dead look in her eyes. I started to struggle again. "You won't get away with this!" I said looking Meave in the eyes.

"Oh, but I already have." She said evilly laughing, as she said that two vampires grabbed Cris, three vampires went in my house and came out with Doug. "Who did you forget?" Meave said rubbing her head as if she had a headache, the vampires shrugged. "You fools! The lady, she'll turn us in!" I could see that she was getting very frustrated. 'Why did I have to choose imbeciles for my guards?' I heard in Meave's voice, but her mouth didn't move.

"What?" I asked her. she looked at me weird. 'What a freak, luckily I don't have to deal with her much longer' I heard again, and again Meave's mouth didn't move. I looked at her weird.

"Back off freak!" Meave said. 'What is she doing?' This starting to get weird, I thought.

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