Chapter 41

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It was Cris, he's back! I sat up and ran to him, crying. "I miss you." I said with tears, hugging him really tight. "You can never leave me again!" I wasn't letting go.

"Jamie, I miss you too." He said hugging me back. "I love you. I want the best for you. Your going to have to come with me." He said. He grabbed me and took off. We ran out of the hospital and we ran.

When we finally stopped we were in the back of the school. In the middle of the field. "Are you sure we should do this?" I asked as he was putting me down so he could look for the switch, to go to the doctors.

"Yes," he said worried like he knew something I didn't know. "You have to come here." He said finding the switch, and he fell like the first time. I jumped down to him and we ran to the end and before Cris even thought about grabbing his shiny thing I took out mine, and shined it into the black dot, and looked away.

"How did you get that?" Cris asked me.

"When I was looking for you, and my family, I found it up there." I said pointing above the door. "That's how I got in."

"Nice, well you might want to put it back." He said pointing up above the door, so I put it back, and we walked in. This time we went to a different desk.

"Cris." He said giving the girl at the counter a card. "Jamie, she's with me." He said pointing at me.

"We let you in as soon as possible." She said pointing at some chairs.

"Don't fight the pain, just relax." Cris told me as soon as we sat down. I looked at him confused. "Just relax trust me." So I did.

I feel over in pain once again, couldn't move and same symptoms as last time. I could hear people freaking out, and could feel people surround me. Then I felt being picked up and being moved. Then I was put down on a bed.

"Good job, you can tense up now." Cris whispered in my ear. I noticed I was still relaxed so I tried to tense up but it was to late. I fainted, again.

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