chapter 59

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Cris' POV

When we got home from hunting, Jamie and I went to the kitchen and Doug was Zombie like. Jamie was getting mad and she started to attack Doug.

"Don't touch my family!" I heard her say slowly and in a voice that I've never herd before, then she threw him an the ground. it all went so fast I was just able to take one step before she started braking chairs and throwing them at Doug, who was past out. I tried to stop her and she throw me across the house. I came back and Doug had been outside and was past the point of 'past out'. I tried to go get him and Jamie threw me again then came after me. I could see she was no longer there.

She let out her fangs and she went mad she started hitting, punching, and kicking me. then she picked me up and threw me back into the kitchen. "Stay away from my family!" she said in the same voice she spoke to Doug in. It scarred me. she got on top of me and she started throwing punches at me, I swear she broke my jaw. Then she grabbed part of the broken chair and was going stab it into me but I then grabbed it from her and threw her off of me. She got up and punched me in the gut, so hard it felt like I got hit with a car going 100 miles per hour, it made me go flying across the room.

"Honey, I need you to calm down." I said in the voice that usually made her calm down. this time it didn't work. she threw a chair at me and I was just barley was able to dodge it. "Jamie, you need to stop!" I said in pain hoping I would get some sympathy. that just made everything worse. She came over to me and took me by the arm and throw me up against the couch and I past out.

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