Chapter 32

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It was dark and we were half way there. I was getting tired and I bet the others are tired too. "Let's rest. We'll wake up as soon as the sun comes up." I said trying to convince them to stop.

"Jamie's right we need some rest, we're getting slower because we need sleep." Cris said trying convince Caroline and Jason. Then I noticed Jason was already asleep, and Caroline was almost there so we stopped.

We put Jason and Caroline on some really thick and low branches so they wouldn't fall. We climbed further up on a thick branch and lied there for a while, we thought for a while. Then out of nowhere he told me, "Wait here." Then he ran off. Left me confused what he was doing.

Then he was almost under the tree looking like he was fighting himself. "Jamie, come here." He yelled up the tree. I jumped down almost landed on him, on accident.

"Yes?" I asked him still wondering what he was doing. He looked at me, dearly. Which made me even more confused. Then he shook his head. "What?" I asked really confused now. He looked at me, once again, and I could see in his eyes he was unsure of something. But what?

"I just wanted to ... tell you I'm glad I'm with you and no one else." He said looking at me regretfully. Why is he not telling me what's on his mind? It bugs me crazy not knowing almost nothing about him, but I love him, I trust him, I don't know what's going on in him mind, and yet I can't get away from him longer then half a day.

"Me too, I'm really glad we found each other or I would still be normal, and there wouldn't be so much adventure in my life." I said laughing. He started laughing, we started looking around the tree. Thinking about if we didn't get together what would have happened. We then looked each other and got closer together. After a while, I saw that I was looking at his lushes lips, they started coming closer, little by little. I started biting my lips, then I kissed them. every time we kiss I feel sparks fly more and more every time. I pulled away for breath, but still wanting more. then out of no where I feel this sensation of having my neck sucked on. "Cris stop." I said not really wanting him to stop. He just sucked a little harder when I said that. Then I felt fangs, it hurt "OW, STOP CRIS YOUR HURTING ME!" i said freaking out he was hurting me and if i pulled away it would hurt even more. I was scared he wasn't stopping. Then he stopped I guess feeling my emotions.

"I'm so sorry Jamie did I hurt you? are you OK? I don't know what happened." he said frantically, scared, and worried at the same time. I held my neck tiring to make sure I would be fine.

"I'm fine. you did hurt me but i think I'll be fine." I showed him my neck. I could see on his face I wasnt going to be ok. I started worring. "What I'm I going to be ok?" He looked at me in a way i could tell he was telling me to grab Caroline.

"Only if we go now." 

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