Chapter 55

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Jamie's POV

we were brought into a kitchen.

"I want a drink of water, bring it to my room, the guard will show you where it is." Meave said, then left.

"We need to go as slow as we can, just do this and ill tell you the rest of the plan later." Doug whispered to us.

"Okay" I said, slowly but making it look like I'm going as fast as I could go to the cupboards to get a glass then went to the sink to get the water in it. We all had to do this. We were all brought to Meave's room. Then we were put back into the dark room.

when we are alone I ask Doug, "So, what's the plan?"

"not now they will coming back soon to more tests I'll tell you later. keep on going as slow as you can." Doug said.

As he finished, the light turned back on and Meave walked back in. "Come slaves," she said as we were being untied from the chairs. "more tests."

we were brought into the kitchen again we were supposed  to make her some food, so again we all had to do it and we did it all as slow as we could. we brought it to her room and went back to dark room once again. This was the last test.

"So, what was that plan?" I asked Doug.

"When she asks for something we do it for a while then after a while then we will run away, and because they think we are slow we will be able to get some distance before they come and get us. you all get the plan?" he asked. Everybody nodded.

"Jamie? Where are you?" I heard Caroline, no its just my ears playing tricks on my mind. "I miss you," I heard with a sob.

"Caroline? Is that you? do you guys here her?" I ask.

"yes, we heard that." Chris said.

"They. Took. My. Cousin?" I asked getting mad.

"you guys want to brace yourselves" I heard Chris say. I then pulled my arms free from the ropes, because of my anger. I run to where I heard her and ran into some type of glass and because of my anger I punched right through it.

"Jamie is that you?" I heard her ask. I then calmed down and run up to her and gave her a hug and untied her from her chair and went to the others and untied them. I now had new cuts over the old scares from the last time I broke through the rope.

now we just got to see if there is a way to get away before they find out that we are free from the ropes.

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