Chapter 15

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Jamie's point of veiw

It was magical. I wish it could have been longer. I've seemed to find a boyfriend. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said to Cris, in love.

"I guess so." He said in his deep voice that made me melt. Then he ran off, and I went inside.

Then next day I was in pain. Which is weird, sense I'm a vampire. I still got ready for school anyways.

When I got to Cris I went up the tree for him instead of yelling at him. It seemed he was in pain too. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Ya, it's normal. When a vampires finds there soul mate and kisses them the first time the next morning there in pain." He said in pain.

"That's why I was in pain this morning." I said understandingly. "Well at least we know we are meant to be together." I said laughing. He laughed then groaned in pain.

"It hits the male worse then the girl." He said moaning. "I won't be able to go to school today."

"Ok, I'll come see you after school meet me here." I said concerned and disappointed.

I got to school and Jason came up to me he tried to talk to me but I stayed quite.

"Ok, what's wrong with you you've been acting deferent lately." He said angrily.

"Fine you figured it out. I'm ....... In love." I said, I was scared I was about to say I was a vampire. Luckily I didn't. Jason looked surprised and disappointed.

"With who?" He asked angry and sad.

"Cris." I said in why so it sounded like it didn't matter who.

"Of course!" He mumbled.

"What, is it not ok with you? Well it doesn't matter you think!" I said angrily. Then I walked away so I wouldn't hurt him.

After school I went to Cris. "Are you ok?" I asked. Turns out he was asleep, so I laid by him. The branch we were on was really thick and wide.

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