Chapter 28

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Jamie's point of veiw

I've been worried for Caroline. What if what if she's hurt what if Cris didn't get there in enuf time, and Caroline's dead! "No, no she's fine Cris got to her, she's coming home soon." I thought out loud, there was fear running through my vaines. I need to calm down, I just need to think good things.

"Sweetie, come here." My mom said. She had been acting scared and kinder ever since I told her I was a vampire. Which I don't blame her, I'm a monster that drinks blood, and can damage others, I feel bad for her. I wish I could go back and stop myself from asking Cris to turn me into... "Sweetie, you coming?"

"Ya mom, on my way." I said trying to sound normal, it's hard when you cousin is missing and it's because of you. "What do you want?"

"You hungry?" She said.

"Mom I don't eat food any more remember?" I said feeling bad for her.

"No, sweetie, I hired a phlebotomist. There going to tack my blood and I'm going to give it to you." She said sweetly. I love her, she's always thinking of others.

"Well I'm a little hungry. I can go another day without eating." I said trying to be as nice. I was actually really hungry but I don't want my mom to give blood she doesn't need to.

"K, then i'll it in the fridge, they are coming today and they're already on there way." I feel bad for her it's my fault. Why did I ask for this? I should have listened to Cris.

I here a knocking at the door. "I got it mom." I say as going to the door. I open the door, and this big muscular guy is at the door, he had pure black hair, really dark brown eyes. I had to look so to see him. I notice I'm no longer on the ground.

"You ok, sweetie?" My mom asked.

"Ya, mom I'm going out for a while bye." I say lying, which I don't like to do.

"Bye sweetie be back before dark." My mom said as the guy started to carry me away. Im over his shoulder and there's no way off, he's holding me TIGHTLY, it hurts. I'm not trying to escape, because I know I won't be able to without hurting myself even more.

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