Chapter 35

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Then something stabbed into my arm, I felt something flow through me. I look over at what was stabbing me. It was a needle full of red stuff, blood.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Cris and I both said at the same time. I looked at Cris. He looked worried, which made me scared. I started feeling weird and felt tired. "I love y..." I heard then feel asleep.

I woke feeling terrible. It was dark and no one was here. I noticed I was in my room. It was night. I got up and looked in my moms room, no one was there. I went downstairs and looked in the kitchen, no one was there ether.

I went to the tree I met Cris in, I didn't see anyone, so I climbed the tree. Slowly of course, I'm no longer a vampire. When I finally got to his branch no one was there.

"Cris come on this isn't funny, where are you?" Almost to tears. I climbed down. I sat by the tree. "Where are you?" I said quietly and crying. I cried myself asleep.

When I awoke, it was morning. I ran to school to look for Jason. I looked at the table we always sat at and he wasn't there. I was about to run home, and the bell rang and I was pushed into the hall, so I went to class. I'll look at lunch.

I was so worried I couldn't focus in class. "Jamie, are you almost done?" My teacher asked me. I was in art class. I looked down at my paper.

"Almost, just need one more thing." I said drawing the last thing. I finished and gave it to her. "Is it good?" I asked quickly.

"Yes, it's great." She said, surprised. Then the bell rang, and I ran to my next class.

One more class to go. This class never ends, I was griping the desk with white knuckles. If I was still a vampire I would so have broken the desk. One more min. I'm tensing every muscle in my body. I was freaking out.

The bell rang and I was out of there before you could say anything. I got to the street as fast as I could. I felt I was being watched so I looked up at Cris's tree.

"Cris?" I said hopefully, no one was there so I ran all the way to my house. I ran up the stairs and looked were I put Carolin. She wasn't there. So I got back to school.

When I got there I remembered the doctors place. I was going towards it but once again the bell rang.

After school I'll go see.

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