Chapter 24

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When we got to the top Cris and I sat right by each other, and Caroline sat across from us. "So Carolina how is it like in Texas?" I asked her.

"It's been fine, what I've been wondering is," she looked looked at Cris. "where did you guys meet?" I looked at Cris worried.

"We meet at school. I was so shy but this beautiful face cured me." He said holding my face in his hand looking at me. I started blushing.

"Ah, stop it." I said looking down.

"Well I can't tell a lie." He said in the voice that makes me melt.

"Aww, you guys are a really cute couple." Caroline said. She just ruined the moment. Oh well that's what I get for bringing her with, but it wouldn't have started if she wasn't here.

"So do you like anyone?" I asked her. She looked down and blushed. "Who is it?!" I said in excitement.

"James." She said shyly.

"You mean the guy that I used to like or the other one?" I said confused. Then I saw Cris have a look in discuss. "Don't worry I didn't do anything with him, I just liked him he didn't even know." I said looking at Cris. Then I turned back to Caroline. "So which one?!" I asked excited.

"I like the other one, the one with blond hair. The one you liked is, well, no longer with us." She said looking sad.

"Oh how did he?" I asked not wanting to say the last word.

"Natural causes, turns out he smoked." She said interested. I looked surprised.

"Luckily we moved when we did I was about to ask him out when we left." I said relived that I didn't. She shook her head understandingly. It started getting dark. "Well we better get home." I told Cris giving him a look to say watch over me so I don't do something I regret. He nods to me as we climb down the tree. We get to my house and I could see Cris out side of the window. "I'm going to get dressed. Can you go for a sec.?" I asked Caroline.

"Sure." She said Heading out the door. Then Cris slipped in knowing that I did that so I could talk to him.

"So she's going to notice I'm different but she might think its because I'm in love, but just incase what should I tell her?" I ask Cris. I love how I have someone to talk to about what I feel like and most likely went through the same thing.

"How about you think of being mad and ill ring the door bell to ask you to go out with me." He said starting to talk like he was really was asking me out.

"Oh, how flattering. K, well I'm going get dressed and it's a deal." I told him turning around to get my pjs, not seeing if he left, I started changing. Then I felt gentle hands on my hips. He looked over my shoulder for a kiss, and he got one. Then he left I quickly changed and then called Caroline in, she didn't respond or come in. "Caroline?" I asked as I started opening the door. "You there?' I went to the bathroom she wasn't there. "Cris!" I yelled running to the door. He was there when I opened the door.

"What's a matter?" He said sensing fear.

"I can't find Caroline!" I said with fear and as if it was obvious. He then got a look of regret. "What?" I asked as soon as I saw it.

"I got to go, stay here!" He said hiding something. "I'll bring you cousin back."

"Hurry back." I told him. He gave me a look that said 'i'll hurry as fast as I can but it will take me a while' I gave him a kiss then he ran off to go save my cousin.

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