Chapter 31

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"Ok let's go!" I said in a rush not paying attention to how loud I was talking. I grabbed Caroline and ran to the window. I pushed Caroline out the window then went out myself then Cris came through when I was about to run off, then he snatched me making sure I wouldn't run off without him and get lost.

"Jamie calm down." Cris said calmly.

"I can't I told my mom I would be home before dark. I was thinking I could get out of that guys grip." I said in a rush and wanting to just pull Cris along to make sure I could get there in time.

"Jamie, that's not possible this late the earliest would be tomorrow morning and that's if we don't sleep and go top speed." Cris told me. I could barely listen, my mind was going a thousand miles per hour. I wasn't able process it clearly. "Jamie slow down." Cris said in the voice that made me melt. It helped me a little, but I was still thinking why to fast.

"What?" I asked confused. I was rushing myself. "Should we have Caroline start walking or running while we talk?" I asked ready to send her off.

"You need to calm down, and you don't need to send her off." He said looking at me concerned. 'I hope she's ok' I thought I heard Cris say, but his lips never moved, and he didn't look like he said anything.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Cris looking around.

"Hear what?" Cris and Caroline said at the same time.

"I heard someone talking." I said looking to the trees noticing a shadowy figure, the same one I saw before I feel asleep being carried here. "Jason?" I squinted to see if it was him. "What are you doing here?" I asked Jason.

"Finally, I found you! I saw you being carried away and I was worried, so I came to help you." He said checking if I was okay. "Apparently, I came a little to late."

I turned around and was looking at Cris. "Great another person to carry home." I said quietly and sarcastically.

"Jamie, it'll be fine. I'll carry one you carry the other." Cris told me quietly, I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get a move on." I said trying to not sound regretful. I grabbed my cousin, and Cris grabbed Jason. I could tell he wasn't happy about having to grab him, and Jason wasn't happy about it either.

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