chapter 58

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I was right beside Cris when he woke up. "You okay?" I asked him, as he tried to get up.

"Yeah why?" he asked me like I was crazy.

"Oh, no reason." I lied, the less he knows the better. I don't need him to freak out.

we headed for the kitchen where my mom was. "Mom Cris and I are going to hunt okay?" I asked my mom.

"Okay sweetie be carful." she said, then she started cooking food for her and Caroline. so we went out to hunt, Doug was asleep on the couch but there just in case.

"Jamie, is there something your not telling me?" he asked quietly and still on the look out for food.

"No why?" I lied to him again. I feel bad but I don't need him to freak out.

"Just wondering, cause your acting a little strange." he said looking at me this time, but I wasn't looking at him. "Are you sure you don't have something that I need to know?"

"Yep, there's nothing I need to tell you." I said. "Look there's a wolf, lets go get it." I ran off tring to avoid Cris' question.

We caught our food then went back home and brought Doug some blood. We walked in the door and Doug wasn't on the couch and it was quiet. "Mom? do you know where Doug went?" I asked walking into the kitchen. I found Doug cornering my mom and Caroline, I had a rush anger blow over and I have no clue what happened all I know is that, when I snapped out of it, Doug was on the ground outside, the window was broken, a couple chairs were broken, Cris was on the ground in the family room, and my mom and Caroline were in the corner more afraid then before.

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