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I'm humming to myself as I set up the VIP room of my casino with four chairs in preparation to meet with three members of neighboring groups. I'm particularly excited for this event, however, because I do believe I've got a plan in motion that'll get Otsuda in the right financial place to finally compete with those idiotic others. And the best part of it all is that it involves the downfall of the others.

You see, Otsuda is a gang Kisaki and I established recently. It's got quite a few strong members, but it's nowhere near being financially stable enough to make either of us satisfied. But what pisses me off the most about the whole 'money issue' is my psychotically beautiful wife. If I had to use one word to describe that woman, it would be quite obvious: con-woman.

I honestly don't know how that woman does it, but she'll come home every evening with more jewels, clothes, and shoes than she knows what to do with. It's quite beneficial to me, however, I don't plan on using my wife's criminal methods to boost Otsuda forever. I'm quite fond of my wife, after all, and I'd rather see her safe by my side with my arm around her waist than off doing things that could get her in jail.

All that being said, though, I do love how excited she gets when she's home from one of her con-jobs, and it does lead to a magnificent evening. It's strange, I never thought I'd take such an interest in a person that way before I met her. But now she really is my other half and we both trust each other with our lives... Until death do us part, no?

Anyway, as much as I could go on and on about until I'm nothing but dust, I must continue setting up for this private meeting of mine. Not that it really matters how much I speak on her anyway, since my idiot of a bartender and dealer walks in to interrupt my thoughts. Seriously, it's like this guy knows when to barge in at just the wrong-

"Boss," he intrudes rudely as he steps into my VIP room with a nervous smile. "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure, Chikao! Why the hell wouldn't I be?!" my voice booms.

"I know it's not my place," he hums as he shakes his head, "but won't the Missus be upset if you lose?"

"She won't know and doesn't have to know since I'm not going to lose, you idiot!"

"Right, sorry..."

Just as I'm about to give that dumbass a piece of my mind, the door creaks open. I turn around and smirk widely, holding out my arms to the side as I see the three men I plan on turning broke step right into my trap. Like flies to a spider.

"What the hell is this about, Hanma?" Kokonoi asks as he walks across my clean, carpeted floor. "Why are the four of us meeting right now?"

"I was craving some time with my friends and a fun game of Baccarat, is that so bad?" I hum as I attempt to hide the smirk growing across my lips.

"It'll be bad for whoever loses," Sanzu smiles wickedly.

"Better not lose then," Ran teases as he walks beside the pink-haired man.

I smile as innocently as I can attempt to without looking like I've got ulterior motives. Not that it matters anyway, I know they're all suspicious of me.

As the four of us sit around my beautifully crafted brown and white baccarat table, I nod to my dealer who begins shuffling the cards. While he does, I pull out a stack of 23 million yen I had been hiding in my jacket pocket and toss it down onto the table. The three others scoff as they're forced to reluctantly match my offer. They all instantly realize what's going on, too. Whoever wins tonight goes home with 92 million yen... They just don't know yet that it's going to be me.

{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now