twenty five

641 28 14


The nurse at the hospital smiles kindly at the two of you as he hands you your husband's forms. "He's free to go," he smiles. "Have a safe drive home!"

Upon thanking the nurse, a wave of relief rushes off of your body. You're still so thankful that he's feeling better after that concussion from Chikao, and even happier that he's able to go home. However, despite all of that, you've just been given a stack of papers that includes the bill which makes you groan.

"That's what you get for bringing me here," your husband laughs as you walk him out to the car.

"Will you please shut up? Laugh too hard and you might pop a blood vessel and need to stay here longer, for which I will not be paying," you huff.

"Yeah, whatever," he smiles, bumping you in the arm.

The two of you walk outside to the brightness of day which makes you squint your eyes. The only time you left the hospital since Hanma went in was at nighttime, so you can't say you're quite used to the sun.

But eventually, the two of you make it back home. You guide him over to the television and toss him the remote before taking your seat beside him. It's nice, finally being able to relax after everything that's happened. You can't even say you're too mad about it, either. Hopefully Chikao will do some good with the money you stole.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings. Hanma looks over at you with a stupidly idiotic pair of puppy dog eyes. You groan at his laziness- if he's out of the hospital he can do things for himself, after all- but you end up giving in.

At the door, you're surprised to see Kisaki with a bundle of wisteria and iris in his hands.

"Ooo, is that for me?" you tease.

"Did you get concussed?" he asks harshly, though you know he's only attempting to tease you back.

"Well, now I've got a headache," you grin.

With a disappointed shake of his head, he walks past you right into your house. He's obviously had enough banter. You roll your eyes and shut the door before following after him.

Hanma smiles when he sees you and his best friend come into view. "Ah, you never cease to fascinate me," he hums as he holds out his hands for the delicate flowers. However, Kisaki keeps a straight face as he places the flowers on the table before him.

"You should be glad you aren't dead," Kisaki huffs, almost in a pout.

"What's that supposed to mean?" your husband sighs. "You know I'm not that stupid."


"Uh, alright so anyway..." you begin, hoping to deflect the awkward conversation wherein both men are unable to display their feelings properly. "Mori told me 'bout this new show yesterday, it's about couples competing to see how much they know about each other!"

"Y/N, The Newlywed Show isn't new," Hanma sighs. "It's an American show from, like, the '60s," he tells you.

"How draining it is to correct you all the time," Kisaki shakes his head.

"What?! Correcting me? You're the one bringing flowers to my husband!" you retort.

"Yeah, and where are your flowers for him?!"

"Wha- Well I- That's none of your business, Tetta!" you shout.

After a bit more back and forth, you finally give in and slouch down in your seat. There's no use arguing with the two of them once they've got each other's backs. Stupid Kisaki buttering your husband all up like that!

The three of you then chat for awhile, though it's mostly you and Hanma doing the talking while Kisaki nods along.

"We've got more than enough members to start up Otsuda," Kisaki proclaims. "Even without Chikao and Kazutora around."

The mention of Chikao's name makes your stomach knot up. It's been a few days since he left and you're still hoping he'll come back- though you know he most likely won't. However, as Kisaki continues, you wonder if it's even a good idea to start up Otsuda. Perhaps Chikao was right about not getting into all of this crap.

"Are you guys sure about this?" you ask. "I mean, at least considering that our enemies outweigh our numbers?"

The two of them exchange a look before Hanma answers your question. "Actually, Kisaki smoothed things over with both the Akashi and Haitani clans."

"What?! No way! How?"

"Eh, he's got some new weapon up his sleeve that's pretty much a trump card," your husband shrugs.

Your eyes dazzle with wonder as you glance over at Kisaki for clarification.

"My own personal assassin," he brags. "I've got her loyalty sworn and everything, so I don't need to worry about getting stabbed in the back, either."

Looking down as he speaks, you notice a ring on his left hand, but decide against saying anything about it. Perhaps it's been there long before and you didn't notice until just now? Best to not-

To your surprise, Kisaki holds up his left hand for both of you to see. "My wedding band," he explains bluntly. You'd probably fall right over backwards if you weren't already sitting down. Did he really marry a hitwoman?!

"That's great!" Hanma laughs. "Otsuda's ready to start then."

As he leans in to shake Kisaki's hand, you watch his necklace droop down from around his neck. And after the two of them shake on it, you throw your arms around them and smile brightly. Kissing your husband on the cheek, you can't help but be excited for this new chapter of your life.

"Not too hard, love," your husband quips. "Remember, I'm fragile."

"Fragile, my ass," you grin. "As vice-president of Japan's newest gang, I don't think you're allowed to say that."



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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now