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Chikao opens the door to your husband's office where Hanma sits on the far side of his desk and you stand just beside him.

"Kazutora's arrived," Chikao says a bit nervously.

"Okay, well let him in!" Hanma nods excitedly. He's been quite anxious to talk to Kazutora ever since the two of you woke up this morning. But as you look down at him, you remember the conversation you had just as you were rushing around your house.

 But as you look down at him, you remember the conversation you had just as you were rushing around your house

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Hanma grabs his jacket off the coat rack hastily and whips his body around to face you. "Remember, love, we're telling Kazutora that we only got eighty mil'... not a hundred million, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I got it," you roll your eyes as you step close to him. "Now don't forget your necklace."

Hanma dips his head as he allows you to wrap the silver piece of jewelry around his neck and pull him close. He's a bit surprised, but thanks you and gives you a quick kiss before leaning back up.

"Any time," you smile. "Anything for you."

He hums as he tucks the vial of your blood under his shirt and takes you by the hand, finally ready to leave the house.

He hums as he tucks the vial of your blood under his shirt and takes you by the hand, finally ready to leave the house

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As Kazutora walks in, the grin on Hanma's lips widens. You look up across the room to see Kazutora with a skeptical look grace his features- he's probably still pissed about the whole being tied up in a closet thing.

Hanma gently places his hands on the briefcase in front of him. "For you," he calls as he lures Kazutora closer to him. "We each got sixteen mil' split evenly across the five of us."

"That's not even at all," Kazutora scoffs. "There's two of you and you're both sharing."

You exchange a smile with your husband for a moment before looking back.

"Hey, Kazutora, what's your full name?" you ask innocently. However, Kazutora still skeptical as ever, scoffs. He can tell quite easily that you're purposefully changing the conversation.

"Kazutora Hanemiya," he responds.

You grin, a bit surprised that he humored you to tell you his whole name. "Listen, Hanemiya, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I speak for both my husband and I when I say that we hope to get on better terms with you."

"We'd love to have you in Otsuda," Hanma adds. "That is, if you're still willing to join us. Kisaki and I are both willing to have you on board."

Kazutora's shoulders visibly relax upon hearing that and he sits down in one of the chairs provided on his side of the room. "Thank god," he grumbles, "it took you assholes long enough to realize I helped you out."

He then reaches forwards toward the briefcase and opens it. The two of you watch as he quickly thumbs through the cash before closing the case back up and tucking it between his legs so neither of you could steal it back.

"Now," Hanma continues to move the conversation along, "what was it that you were willing to share with us?"

"It's not really me," he responds as he thinks aloud. "I've kinda got this friend who's interesting, too, and he's really the one with the plan..."

Hanma thinks what Kazutora is insinuating for a moment before sitting up in his chair and leaning forward. "Bring him to me," he says with a gleam of eagerness in his eyes.

"He wants to be part of Otsuda," Kazutora negotiates on his friend's behalf.

"Deal," Hanma instantly agrees.

Honestly, you're a bit taken back. Typically, Hanma consults with Kisaki first like they did when they talked about Kazutora the other day. You hope he isn't being too rash.

"This'll be great," he grins to you with a bright smile.

"Mhm," you nod a bit nervously.

Hanma notices and furrows his eyebrows together for a moment, but ultimately ignores your somewhat strange behavior and turns back to Kazutora.

"We've gained the money we lost and now we're going to make Toman fucking pay," he laughs wildly. "This is the greatest fucking week ever!"

Kazutora nods loyaly. "My friend, Baji, will make sure it happens, I can assure you of that."

Hanma leans back in his chair with a satisfied, idiotic grin plastered on his face. "Great, when can you bring him in?"

"This afternoon."

The grin on your husband's face only intensifies at Kazutora's words. "That's perfect! We can meet out on the floor over a game of roulette!"

"I'll be off then," Kazutora bows to excuse himself. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Take your time!" Hanma nods as he excitedly waves Kazutora off.

Then, as Kazutora leaves, you excuse yourself from your husband's side and leave his office to meet up with Chikao.

"What do you think about this?" you ask the man at your side.

"It should be fine," he attempts to assure you as you watch Kazutora walk out of the casino. "Mori and I have seen no red flags so far. As far as I know, Kazutora is safe to be around."

"Okay," you sigh, feeling the tiniest bit better after hearing that. "Just keep an eye on him for me, would you?"

"Of course. Don't you worry, Y/N."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now