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Later that evening I sit behind the long bar in my living room, swirling the ice cube around in my glass while wondering when my wife will be home. It should be soon, she never stays out longer than she has to, especially because of her line of work. When I look up at the front door, like clockwork she enters with at least five large shopping bags in her arms.

"Did you go shopping today?" I ask despite already knowing her answer.

"Well, yeah, sort of," she hums back as she attempts to hide that smirk crawling up the side of her lips.

"Mmm, how much did you steal, Y/N?"

"Come on, Shuji," she whines as she fills out long kitchen island with white, black, and yellow shopping bags. "You know I don't like when you use that word, it makes me sound like such a horrible person!"

"What would you rather I say?" I grin. "It's not like you actually bought any of that crap you're carrying."

"Hmm, well it did sound good when you said shopping before so let's just stick with that," she smiles as she leaves the packages behind to walk over to me.

She walks around the bar behind me and stands at my back, running her hands down my chest. I know exactly what game she's trying to play; she looks like she got a really good haul today but I certainly did not so I'm not in the mood for anything she's planning.

Nevertheless, she leans down to my right side and kisses my ear, nibbling my earlobe as she lets out the softest hum that almost forces me to crack and take her right here against the gooddamn bar. But of course, like the tease she is, she pulls away gently and rests her head on my shoulder.

"How was your day, my love?" she whispers to me calmly.

"I can't complain," I lie as I smirk to cover up any evidence of fault in my voice. But as I tilt my head to look over and kiss her, she picks her head up and looks down at me angrily.

"You're a good liar, Shuji, but not good enough to fool me. What's going on?" her voice booms. I should have known better than to lie to a compulsive liar.

"It's not a big deal, babe, don't worry about it. Just some stuff about Otsuda," I tell her this time while being as delicate about my word choice as possible.

She sighs as she sits down at the barstool beside me and shakes her head as she reaches over to grab the bottle of wine I had left out for myself. She then fills a glass up for herself about halfway before taking a sip and humming in satisfaction.

"How'd your day go?" I nod as I ask though from what I can tell it seems as though her day went pretty great.

"Fantastic," she sighs dreamily. "Today I wore a man's disguise with messy black hair and a white and red t-shirt," she begins to ramble, "so that way I wouldn't get caught- and when I totally got away with the whole thing, not a single issue, some innocent guy got blamed! He had nearly the same exact description as the disguise I wore! Can you believe it? What a sucker," she laughs demonically.

This woman is such a good con artist, it's so hot. I love hearing her stories because they somehow get more and more entertaining each time. I really should go with her sometime. Everything becomes instantly more interesting when it comes to her; she really knows just how to keep me on my toes yearning for more.

"Oh, that reminds me!" she beams as she jumps up from her seat. "I got you something!"

I watch as she runs across the room, back over to her shopping bags. She reaches inside of a white one and pulls out a smaller version of the same thing. How many bags does this girl need? Is that part of her whole scheme or something?

My mind is pulled back to my wife as she comes bounding back over to my side and sits down. She reaches inside the smaller bag and pulls out a gift-wrapped jewelry box.

"Sorry I was late coming home tonight. I had to run to the store to get this wrapped for you before I came back. Here!"

When my wife hands me the wrapped gift, I'm a bit confused. She usually has plans for the things she gets and is quite particular about what she steals, but it's still interesting to me that she went this far out of her way for some gift.

As I tear through the paper and open up the box, I find a red pendant necklace. As I lift it up to get a better look at the necklace I notice that whatever's inside of it is moving around like some sort of liquid.

"Do you like it?" Y/N giggles as she watches my somewhat confused expression carefully. "I filled it with my own blood all by myself!"

My eyes light up the moment I recognize that she's right, it's a vial, not a gem piece. If it wasn't obvious that we didn't love each other before, I think this quite seals the deal; it shows just how deep our trust and love for one another goes.

With a huge smile lighting up my entire face, I use my free arm to wrap around Y/N's body and pull her into a deep kiss. I can feel the way she smiles back, happy that I enjoyed the surprise.

"C'mon," she hums as I release her from the kiss. "Let's go to our room."

I've now completely forgotten about whatever the hell it was that I was so upset and worked up about before, so I immediately agree.

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