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Once you get back to your husband's casino, you walk right up to the closet where you kept poor Kazutora and cut him out of the restraints. He stands up and thanks you quietly before pushing your shoulder as he walks past.

You and Hanma watch silently as Kazutora walks towards the office door, thinking that he's probably done helping the two of you out after you locked him in a closet for half the day. However, just as his hand reaches the doorknob he looks back at the two of you and sighs.

"I'll be back tomorrow. You assholes better thank me properly next time you see me," he says in a huff before opening the door and pushing Chikao out of the way as he stomps towards the entrance of the casino.

"Well that could have gone better," you sigh as Chikao enters the room.

"But it could have been worse," Hanma grins. "It'll be fine. He's still with us so he'll tell us what information he's got. I'm not worried about it."

"You're never worried about anything," you shake your head.

"There's never anything to be worried about," he says as his smile widens. "Anyway, Chikao, go home. It's late and you don't need to stick around."

"We'll all split the cash when Kazutora comes back," you nod. "Just get some rest for now."

With a small smile, Chikao agrees and waves goodbye. The two of you then grab your coats and walk towards the front of the casino to leave as well.

"Mori, you stick near the cash now, alright?" your husband hums to your faithful head-of-security whom you've never seen sleep or even leave the casino unless one of you specifically asks him to.

"Yes, sir. I can take it from here."

"God, what a long day," you huff as you flop backward onto the huge, comfortable bed you and Hanma share

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"God, what a long day," you huff as you flop backward onto the huge, comfortable bed you and Hanma share. "The Toman meeting, all that back and forth with Kazutora, and then the heist."

"You said it," Hanma chuckles as he pulls off his jacket from his arms. "However, I think I've still got a bit of energy left in me."

"Oh?" you smile as you immediately sit up. "Me, too!"

He walks towards you, sending a shiver down your spine as he draws near. That dark look in his eyes as he knows he's about to get what he wants is enough to send your head into a frenzy. And when he's practically hovering over you, the kiss that he pulls you into has your body immediately set on fire.

"Princess," he hums smoothly into your ear, "I want you."

A smirk pulls at the corner of your lips, thinking you might have the advantage for once this time, but you end up gasping as he grabs you by the waist and flips you over so you're bent over the side of the bed.

He pulls your dress up over your backside and removes the taser from the thigh garter on your leg, letting it slide across the room. Then, when you attempt to look back towards him, you find him bending down onto his knees. Quick work is then made of your panties as they drop to the ground.

"God, you taste so good," he mutters more to himself than to you.

Aching to feel him against your core, you arch your back to give him a better view of what he's just put on display, hoping it'll spur him on a bit more to hurry up. But instead, it unfortunately has a reverse effect.

"Don't rush me," he says harshly, just before delivering a slap right over your throbbing cunt.

"Please," you beg as you muster through the sharp pain.

But Hanma being Hanma, he, of course, doesn't listen. Instead, slow circles begin with his middle finger over your clit. You almost instantly feel your legs grow weak and, if it weren't for his hand now holding you up by your ass, your legs might give in and buckle beneath you. Thankfully, he then buries his face between your legs, eagerly licking up everything you give him.

"Please, Shuji, let me cum," you moan pathetically.

"Are you sure, baby?" he hums, totally loving how he's got you wrapped around his finger.

"Yes, more than anything," you whine as he continues to drive you insane.

"Good girl," he replies with a smirk against your core as fingers dive into you. With the talent he's got and how well he knows your body, he's got you creaming his tongue in mere seconds. And when he's done licking you clean, he leans back and watches the masterpiece of a mess he's left behind.

Once he stands up again, he fixes your position, leaning you perfectly bent over the bed. You can then hear him removing his belt and unzipping his pants.

"Ready, love?" he calls sweetly, though you can practically feel the smirk radiating off his lips.

The second you say "Yes" he's sheathing himself completely within you.

"Such a little whore, already aching for another round after all I've just done for you," he whispers darkly in your ear, a complete 180 from how he previously called out to you.

He then leans back up and leaves a bruising smack against your ass with no hesitation or warning... and again... and again until your entire ass is raw. Your head spins as he continues to leave his deep thrusts right against the sweet spot within you.

Soon, his movements get a bit sloppy and you can practically feel him twitching inside of you. You grab onto the sheets below as you race towards your finish. Then, with a satisfied shout of relief, you fall over the edge- this time bringing him with you.

When he pulls away, he grins quite pleased with himself while watching the cum drip right out of your abused cunt. However, he's quite kind as he leans you back up to stand and allows you to wrap your arms around him.

"A bath before bed?" he asks with an innocent smile.

"That'd be great," you sigh as you let your eyes close softly.

With a chuckle, he loops his arm under your legs and carries you in his arms. "Alright then," he grins. "Let's go."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now