twenty four

325 20 2


"Eh? They're trying to rob us?!"

Thoughts swirl around your brain about the first day you met Chikao. He was the only one who made you feel happy despite your shitty home life and your job as a petty thief.

"They were," Mori calls, attempting to calm you down, "but they didn't get past me. They're in the office, not going anywhere anytime soon."

Hanma nods and thanks him before turning to walk towards his office. You follow along up until he stops just outside. He quietly pulls a pistol from his jacket and hands it off to you before reaching for yet another on the opposing side.

When you burst through the door, Chikao strikes Hanma over the head with a lamp, knocking him out. With a gasp, you step back. Typically you wouldn't have a problem using your gun, but something about seeing Chikao leaves you absolutely stunned. And instead of shooting him, you do nothing as he grabs you by your sides and tosses you over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" you shout as he carries you away from your husband. "Chikao, this is kidnapping! Let me go!"

"You sound like a child," he huffs, not really caring about much you say.

Chikao carries you to the back entrance of the casino and around to his car where he finally sets you down easily. You glare between him and Kazutora, wondering if you should shoot them before they get away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" you ask Chikao as tears begin to stream down your eyes. "Why are you acting this way?"

With a sigh, he takes you by your shoulders and bends down slightly to reach your eye level, trying to keep you calm and from using that gun in your hand. "Y/N, I don't want to see one of my closest friends stay on this path of crime. I just can't do this anymore. When I hit that girl on the bike I could have fucking killed her! I- I just want all of this to stop, it isn't for me. Please, come with me... You know, Kazutora was right about one thing all this damn time, it's all Mikey's fault! He's the whole goddamn reason we all met and started this thing!"

With that, Chikao stands up and walks toward his car. He doesn't try to convince you any further, knowing that it's your choice to make, not his. And in return, all you can do is stand frozen as you watch one of your best friends walk out on you.

Tears drip onto your cheeks as Chikao and Kazutora open the car doors and sit in. They wait a moment, hoping you'll change your mind, but once the car starts and you take a step back, they get the message. It's then that Chikao puts his car in drive, and goes.

You watch until his car is completely gone before walking back to your husband. With each step you take, sadness turns into misplaced anger. And when you find Mori holding Hanma in his arms, you whip your gun right out and hold it to his head.

"What the hell is the matter with you?! You helped them?!" you shout at the top of your lungs. But you stop when you realize there are scattered pieces of rope lying around the room. Kazutora and Chikao escaped from Mori's plan to hold them back, they just couldn't escape which is why they opted for the lamp.

"I'm sorry," you apologize, sinking down onto your knees. "I didn't know."

"It's okay," Mori assures you as he holds Hanma upright. "I understand. Do you think it's time to bring him to the hospital? I don't mind going."

"No, no, it's alright, Mori. I can do it. You stay here and make sure the others don't come back for more. The casino's got to keep running, too, and you're better at that than I."

"Sure," he agrees, with the condition that he'll be the one to bring Hanma out to the car. You agree, not wanting to carry his unconscious body in fear that you might drop him. And so you follow him outside, through the busy casino. Luckily, no nosy customers bother to question anything, they're too busy wrapped up in losing money to care anyway.

Outside, Mori loads Hanma up in the passenger seat and buckles him in. He then turns back to you and passes a hopeful smile- something you hardly ever see him do. After returning the gesture with a light sigh, you wrap your arms around his large body and squeeze him tight. Eyes closing shut, you do your best to steer your brain away from that scene of watching Chikao leave, but it only serves to start you up with the tears yet again.

"Thank you," you sob against his chest. "Thank you for everything you've done for both me and Hanma. You don't know how much we appreciate having you. I'm so sorry I assumed the worst before."

"Anything for you, Y/N," he replies back quickly, as is his typical behavior.

You then pull away from the hug with a sad smile and step around the car to get in. Mori waves you goodbye as you climb in and watches as you prepare yourself to go. With a deep breath, you push the thoughts of Chikao aside and put the car in drive.

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now