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The next day you walk into the casino minding your own business when Chikao steps right in front of you out of absolutely nowhere. He pushes up his glasses, his red eyes glowing down at you as he frowns slightly.

"Where have you been?" he asks calmly, as if your location is his business.

"Who are you, my mom? Chill out, Chikao," you smile. "I didn't fall off the side of a cliff or anything. Shuji and I went out yesterday, that's all."

"Where?" he continues to press.

You sigh and spin him around to walk with you through the busy casino floor. "Who wants to know?" you tease.

"Uh, actually, Kazutora does."

You stop walking at the mention of Kazutora and spin on your heels to face Chikao head on. Chikao looks completely shook by the way you stare so intensely at him. But instead of saying anything more, he just watches as you ignore him and continues to walk away.

"Hey, wait up!" he calls out as he rushes after you. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to pry or any-"

"Fuck Kazutora," you grumble angrily.

"H-huh? But he's our in with Toman? What's going on? What happened?!" he worriedly questions you. "What are we gonna do without him?"

When you get to Hanma's office door, you stop and turn around to face Chikao. You put your hand on the doorknob and let out a deep breath after hearing all of your friend's rambling on and on.

"Seriously- go ask Mori for a cig and go outside for a break. You need it. You look like you haven't slept in a week. I promise that I'm fine. Now go take care of yourself."

You then step into your husband's office and shut the door behind you before Chikao can make any more protests. Then, as you face Hanma, you groan and throw your head back as you slide your feet over to him.

"Ugh, I can't deal with Chikao anymore. What the hell crawled up his ass?" you grumble as you mindlessly sit down onto his lap.

Hanma's concerned look lifts into a faint smile as you wrap your arms around him. "Don't worry about it, baby," he tells you calmly. "He just totaled some girl's bike and is all uptight about it."

"What!" you gasp. "That's not like Chikao at all! What happened?"

"I don't really know the details, but it was something to do with a favor that Kisaki had him working. We're dealing with it. He doesn't need to worry as much as he does," he assures you.

"Hm, okay," you sigh as you tilt the side of your head against the back of his large desk chair. But as your eyes flicker over to the computer on his desk, you see that his bank account is open.

Picking your head up, you narrow your eyes to get a closer look. "Holy crap, we've got that much? How much did you squeeze out of the Haitani's credit cards?!" you practically squeal in excitement.

"About one-fifty mil'," he smiles back.

"Holy shit, no way! That's more like it," you giggle. Once more, you wrap your arms around him and pull yourself close to a kiss, but, of course, at just the same time, someone knocks on the door.

Hanma sighs before clearing his throat. "Come in!" he calls out.

And of course, the last person that either of you want to see right now walks in. Kazutora saunters in with a small grin tugging at the side of his lips despite the death glares the two of you pass back in response to seeing him. It makes you wonder if he already knows what he's getting himself into. Obviously we've put two and two together since he was the one who introduced Baji to us. He probably heard about what happened between you and Baji and is here to give some lame excuse to cover his ass.

"Hey guys," he waves cluelessly as he jumps into a chair. "I'm really sorry about all that b.s. that went down with Baji, but I'm glad it all worked out and I've got something way more solid now, you won't believe it! Since Y/N found the treasurer's secret stash, she got reamed by Draken and now all Toman's cash is in an account that only she and Mikey know the code to... So if we get one of them to tell us, the money's all ours!"

You and Hanma look at each other with the same bored expression. Hanma sighs and then looks over at Kazutora disappointedly. "Get the hell out," he says with a shake of his head.

Kazutora tenses up, but immediately walks out. He probably assumes that he can just try again later, that idiot. But once he's gone, Hanma looks over at you and rubs his head.

"What a shitty plan," he remarks. "I've got my own idea that won't be nearly as horrible as whatever that dumbass was rambling on about."

"Oh? What'd you come up with?" you grin excitedly.

"I recently found out that Draken and Emma are getting married. Everyone in Toman, including you and I, are invited. I dunno about you, babe, but I plan on going. Haven't been to one since ours," he smiles.

"Me neither," you smile as you shift in your spot on his lap. "Should we tell Mori and Chikao about our plans in case we need backup?"

"Sure. Go ahead and tell Mori and Chikao, but nobody else. We don't need Kazutora fucking anything up."

"Fine with me," you shrug. "He serves no use to me anymore, anyways."

"Mm," he nods, agreeing with you.

"So," you then grin excitedly, "When's this wedding?"

"End of the week," he tells you with a smile just as excited as your own. "Go buy yourself something pretty. We just got a butt-load of cash in our account... But I know whatever you wear, you'll look just as beautiful as always."

"Cheesy," you hum as you place a kiss on his cheek and hop off his lap. "I'll be back in a few hours. See ya!"

With a wave goodbye, you skip out of Hanma's office as happy as can be.

With a wave goodbye, you skip out of Hanma's office as happy as can be

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now