twenty two

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Once you leave the house, you stop off at the casino along the way. The two of you unbuckle to head inside to look for Chikao and Mori, however, before either of your leaves, you gasp and grab onto your husband's shoulder.

"Wait!" you tell him before reaching for something under your seat. You grab a bulletproof vest and hand it over to him. "Wear this. It'll protect you just in case. I'd rather you be safe than sorry," you smile.

"Thanks, love," he grins back as he accepts it. "I'll be careful, I promise."

After he pulls you close and kisses your forehead, he quickly puts the vest on hidden under his shirt and the two of you step out of the car. Just inside, you find Chikao and Mori waiting for you.

"I'll drive you both since Mori's busy watching the casino," Chikao smiles at you.

"'K," your husband shrugs, not really caring and not wanting to drive either.

"Wait," you plead, pulling him to the side. "Is it okay to leave Mori along with all the cash? What if something happens?"

Hanma pats your head and assures you, "It's Mori. The only ones who can get past him are the three of us."

Chikao nods reassuringly and fixes his glasses. "Come on, let's go. I'll get you both there quick."

Hanma tosses Chikao the car keys and together, the three of you walk out to the car.

When you get to the venue, Hanma kisses your forehead. "I'm going to be off for a bit, Y/N. I've got something to deal with super quick. Go enjoy yourself for now."

"Okay," you hum nervously, worried for him once he's out of your eyesight. Then, after a tight hug, you watch him walk off.

"At least you're still here with me," you sigh to Chikao.

"Oh, uh, about that..." he chuckles awkwardly, "I've got somewhere to be so I can't stay."

"What?! But you always stay with us! Where are you going?" you wonder, a bit disappointed that your friend won't stick around.

"I've actually got a date," he admits.

"A date?!" you repeat with an excited gasp. "No way! Who are you going out with?!"

"I, uh, don't really want to discuss it in public but we can talk about it later, I promise."

"Okayyy," you sing, bubbling with excitement.

Chikao hugs you goodbye, telling you to be safe. You thank him and wave goodbye. You hang around from the wedding 'til the reception alone while your husband's doing god-only knows what, filling your time with idle chit-chat with strangers. Then, when you've arrived at the reception, you wander over to the bar and grab a drink. You sit there with your legs crossed, waiting for something to steal your attention rather than staring aimlessly into your drink.

After awhile, your wish comes true. You hear a bullet shot from across the room and immediately stand up. You run quickly towards the sound and reach for your phone. Just as you're about to dial Mori's number, you see he's already calling you- creepy.

"Hello? Mori, I need help. I just heard a gunshot and I don't know where Shuji is!" you shout.

Did he even bring his gun with him?

"I don't know where he is either, I haven't heard from him, but I need you both to get back here right now!" he urgently requests through the phone.

"Mori, I can't!" you practically sob as you rush through the crowd. "I need help. Chikao left for some date and I'm by myself unarmed!"

"Shit, well we've got one hell of a situation down here, too, and I need the two of you asap!"

"Shit, well we've got one hell of a situation down here, too, and I need the two of you asap!"

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After dropping Y/N and Hanma off, I wait in their car for a moment, take a deep breath, and check my phone. A moment later, the passenger door opens, and Kazutora steps right in.

"Yo," he says expressionlessly. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," I shrug, reaching for the transmission gear and putting the car in drive.

Off we go to the casino where I drive around to the back and pull over. "Wait here," I tell Kazutora. "I'll come get you once I'm ready."

"Sure," he nods, getting out of the car like it's no big deal.

I then drive around to the front, park, and walk in as I normally do. I don't see Mori at the front, but as I walk I see him talking to some random customer in the lobby. Some security, I scoff to myself. I then continue to walk towards the back entrance where I let in Kazutora.

"Did he see you?" he asks almost immediately.

"No," I grin with a shake of my head. "He's not noticing anything right now. You could have just walked right in and he wouldn't have noticed."

"Whatever," he shrugs, walking past be and into Hanma's office.

I follow in after him, walking over to the back closet and opening it for my partner. When I see that he's too busy looking out the door, I notice a panicked look on his face. But before I can question him, he quickly shuts the door and stares me down with his quite honestly freakishly golden eyes.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"Mori knows! I saw him looking at the cameras!"

"Shit," I curse as I run towards Hanma's desk and toss Kazutora his briefcase. "Quick, fill that up ASAP!"

As Kazutora goes to work, I sit beside Hanma's desk and rifle through the computer to get the money in his 'secure' accounts drained into mine. However, we don't get as much as I'd like since we're a bit crunched for time. Nevertheless, after about three minutes, I grab Kazutora by the hand and pull him out of the office, ignoring the cash that flies out of the briefcase as he's dragged along.

"We need to go... Now!"

"Okay, okay, don't drag me, you ass!" he shouts back, pulling away so he can move on his own two feet. He then follows after me until we, unfortunately, bump right into Mori just feet away from the front entrance- our escape. And Mori does not look happy whatsoever.

 And Mori does not look happy whatsoever

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now