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Later that evening you change into your pajamas and sink under the covers of your bed beside your husband. With a sigh, you bury yourself up to your neck in the warmth.

"Today went well," you hum as you settle yourself close to him.

"Yeah that one-eighty mil' was perfect," he agrees.

"One eighty?" you whine as you look up at him. "That's all?! I thought it would be at least two hundred."

"Sorry babe," he chuckles, "your counting was just a bit off but it's alright. It's more than we thought we'd get anyway."

"Hmm, that's true. Did Nakano ever come back to the casino?" you wonder.

"Yeah, but Mori handled it and Chikao's dealing with the rest," he shrugs.

You can't help but giggle at the thought of Mori and Chikao dealing with that asshole. "If they kill him, though, everything we did was for nothing!"

"I left it up to Chikao. Guess it depends on if he feels like taking his anger out on the old man. He can be not useless sometimes, you know."

You grin, thinking back to how Chikao used to be so straight-laced before you introduce him to Hanma. But as you look over at your husband, you can tell he doesn't look fully satisfied with the day's work.

"Still pissed at Toman?" you hum as your eyes flutter closed.

"Of course he is," he scoffs. "That asshole Kokonoi cheated somehow and now those bastards have our money."

"One time I heard Kisaki talking about some druggie girl that Toman's got as a treasurer. Maybe she's a weak spot," you whisper as you begin to drift off to sleep.

"Yeah, I heard about her. That's not a bad idea..."

"Ya know, you should take me to one of Toman's meetings sometime. I've never been, and besides, maybe I could get a bit of information you can't," you nod.

"Hm," he thinks aloud, "that asshole Takemitchy has everyone thinking Kisaki and I are traitors."

"Which you are," you sing along.

"Yeah, but he's gonna fuckin' ruin the whole thing for us," Hanma scoffs. "Kid gets on my goddamn nerves."

"Don't worry," you smile lazily, "since Takemitchy isn't onto me, I could do a bit of scouting for you..."

"Okay, sure," he agrees. "Tomorrow, I'll take you."

You throw your arms around him and plant a kiss on his lips, smelling strongly of the toothpaste he had just used a few minutes before. "Thanks, babe," you grin as you cuddle yourself up against his chest, "This is gonna be fun."

Like Hanma promised the night before, he takes you along with him to Toman's meeting the next day

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Like Hanma promised the night before, he takes you along with him to Toman's meeting the next day. He's given you a uniform from his division and asks you to stick close to Chikao, explaining that nobody's ever even noticed he's there before when he tags along and it'll be safer for you to stick with him. After you agree, you link arms with Chikao and wave goodbye to Hanma before walking into the crowd.

"So, you know anything about these guys?" you whisper as you make your way through different groups chatting and completely ignoring your existence.

"Not really," he shrugs. "I usually just hang out and stay in the background, doing what Hanma asks. I'm really just here as backup."

"Backup?" you wonder, looking up at his bright red eyes.

"You know," he hums calmly, "Just in case."

"And the doing whatever Shuji asks part?" you grin at Chikao's puppy-like obedience towards you and your husband.

"Well, you know how it is..."

"What would we do without you," you giggle.

"You're both my bosses, it's not like I can say 'no'," he groans.

"Not here, we're not," you say with a light nudge to his arm. "Now let's change the conversation before-"

You suddenly stop speaking when your ears catch onto the most high-pitched, ear-piercingly annoying noise of a bell. You glance around a spot a man about the same age as you with black and blonde hair pushed back into a messy-looking bun staring right back at you. His golden eyes meet yours, and an unimpressed grimace lines his lips just below.

"I'll be right back," you tell Chikao as you push him a little ways back into the crowd so the man staring you down doesn't notice him- you wouldn't want to blow the cover he's worked so hard to maintain.

When you spin back to the bored-looking man is standing right in front of you, startling you for a second. "Yo," he says dryly, "who the hell are you?"

"Part of the fifth," you shrug calmly, keeping up your little act.

He eyes your uniform before raising an eyebrow and meeting your gaze. "I can see that."

Just then, a man with long, black hair taps his shoulder, causing him to turn around. You hear his earring jingle as he spin and looks up lightly towards the other man.

"Who's that?" the taller of the two whispers just loud enough for you to hear. But just as he does, you disappear into the crowd. However, as you begin to fade into the sea of other members, your ears catch onto the words the golden-eyed man uses to respond.

"Nothing, no one, it's not important," he hums as he blocks his friend from seeing past him.

Why would he lie? you wonder as they disappear from view.

Deciding that you're too nosy and craving to know more, you've got to find that guy again before you leave...

Deciding that you're too nosy and craving to know more, you've got to find that guy again before you leave

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now