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After shimmying under the stall door to keep it locked unsuspiciously, you walk back to your two boys waiting for you. When you get there, you find that they've already knocked the other guard out and got rid of the unconscious body since, unlike you, they didn't kill him.

The three of you exchange a readying look before unlocking the door with the guard's keys and walking downstairs to eventually find the vault. And when you get down there, like Kazutora said, there's a golden vault like you'd see in a movie.

While repeating the code Kazutora gave you quietly to yourself, you approach the large lock and spin it around until you hear the tiniest of clicks. Thankfully, the code works and you're able to open the door without a problem. However, once it's opened, the three of you freeze in place. You don't think you've ever seen quite as much cash in one place before like there is here.

Once you collect your jaw and the bit of drool hanging from the corner of your mouth, you're the first of the three to run inside the small room and collect piles of cash. And despite your effective method of stuffing the cash into your bra, Hanma tosses you and Chikao empty bags he had tucked into his jacket. Immediately, the three of you fill everything up with money as quickly as you can.

"How are we supposed to walk out of here after this?!" Chikao asks as he continues to stuff his bags.

"I don't know! We just came up with this plan like four hours ago!" Hanma replies quickly.

"It's fine," you interrupt. "The Akashi's aren't even around probably..."

"I don't love those odds!" Chikao sings out nervously.

"Don't worry about it, we'll just run for it when we're noticed and Mori will come get us," Hanma assures the two of you.

"He may not be able to get here in time, though," Chikao mutters to himself. "He said he'd park at least two blocks away and there are traffic lights!"

"Chill out, let's be positive, okay?!" you shout as you continue to stuff your bags.

"Fine, whatever. Let's just hurry up."

"Agreed," Hanma nods. "Gather as much as you can!"

You finish filling up the two bags you're responsible for before walking back upstairs to the first floor with the two others. But just as you step foot in the main room, you spot the three Akashi siblings walking in your direction.

"Shit, Sanzu's here," you mutter to Hanma and Chikao behind you.

"Stay calm. We'll just go around them," your husband says coolly. "Keep walking."

With a nod, you do as he says and attempt to sneak past. However, your plan goes right down the toilet the second Chikao accidentally bumps into a security guard.

"Come on," you groan as you sling one of your bags over your shoulder to make your hand free to grab onto Chikao, pulling him away before the guard is able to catch him.

"Shuji! Get ahead and clear the way!" you call out.

"Don't have to tell me twice! Stay close behind, Y/N!"

With Chikao in tow, you follow behind your husband as he pushes and punches his way through the crowd.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Sanzu's voice booms across the casino just before the sound of a gunshot. "You're dead, Hanma!"

"Stupid mullet-headed prick," Hanma grumbles to himself as he whips out his gun and blindly shoots behind himself. Thanks to your quick reflexes, you pull yourself and Chikao to duck just in time.

"Hey! Watch where you're aiming that thing!" you shout before suddenly being pulled closer to Chikao and tucked under his arm.

"Watch out, the bullets are going both ways, you know," he explains with a worried expression on his face.

The next time you look for your husband, you find him racing in the direction of that white luxury card on display that you had noticed on your way in earlier. He jumps right in the car with absolutely no hesitation, leaving you and Chikao to make a split-second decision.

"The hell is he doing?! That thing isn't actually going to turn on, is-" he begins, only to cut himself off after hearing the sound of the car motor starting. You grin happily and Chikao lets out a sigh. "God fucking dammit!"

"Let's go!" you tell him, deciding to chase after Hanma into the back of the car, ignoring all the money that drops onto the floor along the way.

Gunshots fire into the back mirror of the car as Chikao shuts the door and Hanma hits the gas. You laugh in amusement of it all, still a bit in disbelief that the car actually started up and you're making it out with a serious pile of cash. Your husband watches you from the rearview mirror and smiles back just as maniacally as you.

"That was great, are you kidding me?!" you squeal in excitement. "We actually pulled it off!"

Looking over at Chikao, you see that he actually looks psyched for once; you suppose the adrenaline is getting to him. That, and he's finally beginning to get not-horrible at this sort of stuff.

Chikao collects the bags of cash and begins to pull it all together. After a long time of counting, he mutters to himself and begins questioning if he double counted.

"Come on, just tell us how much it is!" you whine.

"I think it's... almost one hundred million yen..."

"Holy shit," you whisper as your jaw drops to the ground.

"We're fucking rich!" your husband shouts.

"This is the best thing ever!" you cheer as you throw your body against Chikao's. "I can't believe Kazutora was actually helpful! God, I feel bad about tying him up and leaving him in the closet now..."

"Well, now that we've got him we can finally get our revenge on Toman!" Hanma adds with a grin.

"Hey, wait," you interrupt as a new thought pops into your head. "We got our revenge on Sanzu... What about the Haitani clan?"

Hanma smirks, quite pleased with your idea. "You always think of the right fucking things, you know that? Of course we can't leave them out of this!"

"Of course not," you laugh wickedly. "I don't think that would be fair at all."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now